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Profile for HaZZa

Registered on: 9th Aug 2001
Total posts: 23

This person has opted to not have a profile page.

Last Forum Posts

Is there anyone who came up with the idea to use those colorfull tails/ribbons kids use to play with, as poi?In holland they are called scatch-tails, and im thinking of buying them. Had...

u people have any sites to where i can download some tracks? I hava audiogalaxy and other d/l programs, but they just dont work for me. Plain old surfin n searchin works best for me. An...

K well this may sound kinda stupid, and weird to sm ppl, but i tried this a few times, and ill post it in a new thread to.1.: Drop your Poi on the ground2.: Walk inside, or in the garag...

Follow your Friends

Fire poi on the water..
Kevlar Wick
Flaming Sun
Fire sword
Babadook Fire Hoop
3poi athens
John was taken before his time.
One leg, no hands
Light up the trees
Above All
Fanning the Flames
Grow up - NEVER!!
Lighted Rainbow
Anonimous Santa
Second eventail try
Spin With Pride
Release to mature
Fire smile
Dreaming Upside Down Down
Forest Hoop Fairy
Doing it Thai style
Fire Vixen
Slackline Juggling
Scary face with hat
Butt Hooping
Hells fire
Morten - Play Open Stage
May I have this dance...?

