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Profile for Silvur

sumthin sumin smmnm....
BRONZE Member since Sep 2003
Registered on: 3rd Sep 2003
Total posts: 372

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Last Forum Posts

2:02 am, edmonton, canada. it's pretty dark outside, though i guess it is the middle of the night, but still... trying to protect the laptop from the cat, who insists on climbing all o...

Hey Masi! I'm not from vancouver, but i've been there enough times. if you can get to a ferry terminal on some saturday morning, (preferably the tawassen ferry) take it over to victoria...

Hell Yes!! Legalize it!! in the day and age we live in, it baffles my mind how weed is still illegal, and it is perfectly acceptable both to society and to the government to drink alcoh...

Follow your Friends

Fire Nymph among the tropical forest
Temple of Dreams
Sunset Sundaze
Embrace the Flames
Enlighten the dark
Staff throw
Portal of Imagination
Led poi
Swords of Passion
Through the hell
Magical Forest
Backbend Fire Hoop!
Poi flowers
Fire fans
Fabric OfLight 3
Monte Alban in the head
poi dancer
Fire Wings
Rosalind Parker as Blaze
Queen Elsa
AntiSpin in Night
Summer Camp
Water Meteor
Pink 🌸
Fire jump rope
Steampunk at Oamaru on Fire
Hula Hoop Silhouette
Love fayer

