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Profile for woodnymph

Registered on: 13th Sep 2003
Total posts: 313

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Last Forum Posts

Hi Ben....Sorry,not lookiing for staff lessons,but i do want to say a big hug from maya,max and me to you and your new family....

I'd say give them some poi with small or no tails and let them play!Also,show them the concept of parallel circles(on either side) and butterfly is good cos they can get good effects an...

i had and still have this problem.....i tried spybot but it totally froze my computer.Luckily it has a undo function which i used ,so i'm back to square one....

Follow your Friends

Bulgarian Folklore Fire
on the farm
36th Birthday!
My flower
Low Bridge
Beach zen
no hands
Avatar Hoop
Maleficent on Fire
Sparkling Fire Ropes
Never too cold to fly
Trails in the Night
Raving willow
Hearts Burst Into Fire
Dark Flower
Floating Flames
It’s got to be hot
Lava Cake
fire at the vondelpark
Vampire circus
Staff performance
Hoop Fire
Fairy dance
Fiore di Luce
NLQP fireflies
Led trail of Petals
Bicycle Built for Two
One legged cosmic hooping!

