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Profile for colin_mcdonald

BRONZE Member since Feb 2008
Registered on: 3rd Feb 2008

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Last Forum Posts

for contact juggling can you use any juggling ball or does it have to be specific

i am wanting to get started in this and want to buy pois and diabolo and devil sticks and flags that are cool colors like tie died

when i was in barcelona there was a street performer with a ball and he was just moving it around his hands and it was kinda floating what is that called it was super cool

Follow your Friends

up up and fairy away
Light Em Up
magic fire bubble
Jester Jack Playing Around
Bellydancing in Beniras!
RedFox Fire
Right on the nose
Nordic Summer
Circo Pyro
Toasting Those Buns!
2 flowers
postapocalyptic poi
Its Elementary, My Dear Watson
visual poi at a Nasa Art Installation 👽
the clock
Swords of Passion
Fire wings
Stage high
Ninja Flower
Smile Smile Smile
All Tied Up
Warriors of Lights
fire fans
Golden Glow
Invoking Hecate
Twin balance
In my Happy Place
Smokey Fire Hoop


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