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Profile for jaero

your new best enemy
SILVER Member since Jun 2004
Registered on: 5th Jun 2004
Total posts: 246

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Last Forum Posts

i find the concept of zero to be looking a little to deeply into stalling. if one poi is stalled, you cannot complete a full cycle without moving the stalled poi in some sort of a circ...

3bt armpit weave. out of lack of an Idea of what to call it. but you know how you can isolate a poi on your side between your arm and your body as you cross to the opposite side? (no...

transitions... important stuff. so is this along the lines of all the ways to switch from a chase to a thread the needle? fundamentals confuse the piss out of me. mostly because my po...

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Go with the flow...
Goddess Of Fire
flowers spin
one with the fire
Estrella de Fuego
Flying Free
Sun Power
Circus waterfall sleeve
Sirkuz Days
Melt with clouds
Stilts on fire
Flower Garden
Aim for the Impossible
With pleasure
Bend it back
frisbee fun time!
Fan Out
Look Ma, No Hands!!
Gyllingvase Beach
Long exposure R2D2
Tricking at Car Show
Hoops hoops & more hoops
Spiral Wraps
The Beauty In Life
Slackline Juggling


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