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Profile for Onyx Flame

Onyx Flame
SILVER Member since May 2009
Registered on: 3rd May 2009
Total posts: 16

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Last Forum Posts

Originally Posted By: MiGIs there a FAQ on lightbulb changing?What about a video?can someone post a walkthrough?Should we make a discussion thread on the same topic, but how it's always...

I sort of like it , but I think the earlier sidebar image with the stick figure doing poi on a black backround might look good to.

Thanks you Drex, I really appreciate the time and effort you put into your video.

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jedi flow
Carl | Belvedere Mont-Royal | Montreal | Canada
Fire Flower by Lindzee Poi
Poi Shiva
A faerie in the trees.
Look into my eyes... closer...
Double Triquetra
Hoop Smear Sphere
Rainbow future poi shuffle trails 🙌🏼
on stage
Taste The Rainbow
Burn off
Can you kick it? YES I CAN!
Street Performance
First Snow Fire
Golden autumn
Intergalactic Space Hooplah
Summer Solstice 2013
Partners in crime :-
Head Spin!!!
Pod Poi
vortex cocoon
Cie Lucioles- FansMirror performance
My first homemade chains
Sunrise me and my hula hoop


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