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Profile for Naia

SILVER Member since Jun 2009
Registered on: 12th Jun 2009
Total posts: 6

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Last Forum Posts

I'm in Taupo, and would love to pop over now and then when the roads aren't too bad and I have the time. I'm pretty new to poi though, so would be more likely to soak up the skills and...

Originally Posted By: Mother_Natures_SonTop hand swapping on each beat? Do you mean that the hand that is on top is swapping over? Left on top, right on top, left on top, right on top? ...

Thank you... do the squirrels reach all the way to NZ, or are Kiwis safe from squirrels?

Follow your Friends

True Bliss
Circus Lyra
Sunrise burn
Staff manipulation
Elbow club balance
rain is no match for fire!
Indulge in Fire
Ignis gladio
poi at sunset
Commanding the Stage!
moving with my fav dance partner just always gifts me the biggest smile
Electrical Flag Flow
Jules on fiiiiire!
Through the looking hoop
pure happiness
Fighting Dragons with Triquetras
Fire Wings
Sizzle Bots
Fire beach
Deep Playa Nights
So Kiss Me
Great Balls of Fire
Sexy face. The destroyer of ghetti.
Black Magic
The beauty of french mountains


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