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Profile for cyberpunkgrrl

Registered on: 25th Nov 2001
Total posts: 27

This person has opted to not have a profile page.

Last Forum Posts

Ummm - ok, I'm probably being st00pid but...How do you find out how many posts you've made? I wanna put up fire piccies but have fallen at the last fence!!HELP!

IMHO, a lot of drugs are taken by people just for that fact they are illegal, and they do it for that reason. Though now, all the people that I know do it for a purely social reason. *s...

OK, so I wanna go and take my poi and spin like crazy but IT'S aLL SOLD OUT!!!Can anyone help me? I need a ticket! Reply to cyberpunkgrrl@geekmail.netThanks!

Follow your Friends

one with the fire
Lean Back
Fire Flow Wand
find that funny
Balance Between Fire & Sword
Flowers on Fire
Devine Fire
pop up poi with better lights :-)
Kraken from Fiera Flow
Flying in Mesopotamia
New Dragon Staff
Aerial Pretzel.
Fire and Ice
Veil of Flame
Rocky Mountain Lovin
Fire Snakes
Folding Fans at Sunset
Mermaid Fire
Happy Whipping
poi bot
Queensland Outback
Es Vedra
Beer Burn
Feel the Fire Hoop
gloving and leg hoopin


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