Reflections uploaded by Dawn_Brende

Final results


Torch Poi in the middle of the woods at a pond.
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Submitted on 2016-04-06 Views:4477

As picked by HoP
1. Double contact staff Burnoff entered by Bombthreatx
2. Fire at Play entered by Chaka
3. Fire and Ice entered by Hannah_Daniel

No. 1
Burning mind
No. 2
Fire sphere
No. 3
Gazing into the Flame
No. 4
Inside a fire vortex
No. 5
Angel of Fire
No. 6
Goddess Of Fire
No. 7
Fire Fans for Earth Hour
No. 8
No. 9
Taste the Burn
No. 10
our hearts on fire!
No. 11
No. 12
Dragon Fire Flower
No. 13
Do You Want To Step Closer?
No. 14
Carnival hot
No. 15
Fire Fan Tango
No. 16
Hot lips
No. 17
On Fire❤
No. 18
Fire Sprite
No. 19
The singularity of fire
No. 20
night in the tropics
No. 21
The spiral
No. 22
Tree of Light
No. 23
No. 24
Brandbommen stok
No. 25
Northern Lights - Enemy Routine
No. 26
fire of dead
No. 27
La llama que llama
No. 28
Two flame face
No. 29
Painting pictures with Fire
No. 30
May the Odds Be Ever in Your Favor
No. 31
No. 32
Dream Fire
No. 33
No. 34
Rings Of Fire
No. 35
Dodging Fireballs Gracefully
No. 36
My man on fire
No. 37
Squidnee Hooping
No. 38
Fire & Water
No. 39
Hot air balloon show
No. 40
Fire Hack
No. 41
Cave Dweller
No. 42
Apres Burn
No. 43
4petal v extension
No. 44
Happiness can be found with Fire
No. 45
Fire star
No. 46
No. 47
sky above me, earth below me, fire within me.
No. 48
My First Flame
No. 49
Reflections on Long Beach
No. 50
No. 51
Oestara 2016
No. 52
No. 53
Make it hott!
No. 54
Medieval Flames
No. 55
Combusting feelings
No. 56
Fire is my Life
No. 57
U me U
No. 58
No. 59
Finding my light
No. 60
Sacred Circle
No. 61
its about to get hot
No. 62
Flying Phoenix
No. 63
Taming dragons
No. 64
No. 65
Equinox Poi
No. 66
Brewcity Fire Brigade
No. 67
A Yorkshire Fire Fairy!
No. 68
Hypnotic, the magic of a flame.
No. 69
The fire within
No. 70
Hoop Vortex
No. 71
Hoop love
No. 72
Heart of Fire
No. 73
Touch teeth hold
No. 74
Abandoned Juggling
No. 75
Under The Flame
No. 76
Fire Faery
No. 77
No. 78
Sparkle poi
No. 79
Spiraling Flame
No. 80
spirit of fire
No. 81
Fire Poi
No. 82
Fire poi
No. 83
No. 84
Fire Whip
No. 85
No. 86
long Poi
No. 87
Flaming Poi
No. 88
Fire and Ice
No. 89
Double Fire Staff
No. 90
Orange Curiosity
No. 91
Hellfire Dragon Staff
No. 92
Human Volcano
No. 93
sunburn off
No. 94
Early arrival burn
No. 95
Worship the Flame
No. 96
Ring of fire
No. 97
Jordan at Jordan
No. 98
Steel Wool Wonderland
No. 99
Sparks will fly
No. 100
No. 101
No. 102
All smiles.
No. 103
Fire fan OG
No. 104
Fire Flower Love
No. 105
No. 106
Wings and Crown
No. 107
Fireball with Feet
No. 108
Fire Fairytale
No. 109
No. 110
Fire and Ice
No. 111
Fire whip fiasco
No. 112
The Kiss
No. 113
Feelin it
No. 114
Halo of Fire
No. 115
Twin Dragons
No. 116
Fire shoes
No. 117
Guerrilla Flow Tribe
No. 118
Fire sword Phoenix
No. 119
No. 120
fire at the vondelpark
No. 121
fire diabolo at a festival in Austin Tx
No. 122
Fireball bunny
No. 123
Unifire Theater
No. 124
Belly fire!
No. 125
Circular Thoughts
No. 126
Immersed in Flame
No. 127
Blood moon
No. 128
Catching fire
No. 129
Rosalind Parker as Blaze
No. 130
No. 131
First Burn
No. 132
Spin-off birth
No. 133
No. 134
Rise of the pheonix
No. 135
Thats hot
No. 136
Corr - Bird of the Cailleach
No. 137
Spirit of Fire!
No. 138
Fire makes me happy!
No. 139
Firey Goodness
No. 140
No. 141
A Yuletide Fire Orb
No. 142
_no title_
No. 143
Btb action
No. 144
rueda de chispas
No. 145
Open portal!
No. 146
Ring of Fire
No. 147
Fire Sword Fight
No. 148
No. 149
3 Leaf Clover
No. 150
viking fire
No. 151
circle with a twist
No. 152
Angels Wings
No. 153
No. 154
Double contact staff Burnoff
No. 155
Wall of Flames
No. 156
Blue steel
No. 157
No. 158
Feel the flow
No. 159
Easter burn
No. 160
No. 161
No. 162
Jo Kawasaki : Fire swords
No. 163
Flaming Underarms!


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