What is XDR, SDR?

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What is XDR, SDR?

The amount you are enquiring about is your order value in XDR also known as SDR. SDR is IMF (International Monetary Fund) Standard Drawing Rights and is essentially a standard International currency value. We use SDR for our shipping value because all countries and all customs officials should be familiar with it, and the rate doesn't change like standard dollar/pound/euro exchange rate does, and for these reasons we believe it should help minimise unnecessary customs delays and/or charges that some of our customers incur. An added benefit is that many of our customers want us to hide the value of the order from the receiver because it is a gift - SDR allows us to achieve this while still providing the required value for customs officials.Additional information about SDR can be found at Wikipedia here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_Drawing_Rights

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