學習 Healthy Exercise - Poi for the Elderly


Looking after you - Poi for the Elderly

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GOLD Member since Feb 2006
  Published on 10 Jun, 2016

Just what are the benefits for Aged care, Rest home and elderly parents in playing with Poi? We've always believed many benefits from co-ordination to increased brain power

This study, conducted by Kate Riegle van West, is measuring what specific physical and cognitive benefits can be shown from the elderly playing with Poi. Here's what some of the study participants are saying:

"I think it has been helpful for my arthritic wrists. Helpful for coordination. Must surely be good for my brain with the split time movements and crossing the midline."

"Doing poi I found cleared my head space. A very positive thing. Learning something new at this stage has been a very good experience for me."

"Brain was more alert for a few hours afterwards. Positive effect is that I realised my inability to use my left hand and I shall now work on that in other aspects of my everyday life."

"A rewarding feeling to achieve the following week what seemed impossible the week before! A stimulating experience. I feel lucky to have participated in a new form of exercise. I’d very much like to keep going."

Check out the documentary video on this page to learn more about the study, or visit: http://www.spinpoi.com/poi-clinical-trial/

Read more and learn about other resources for the elderly here:

Research proudly supported by Home of Poi.

Additional notes: Poi activity for Aged care, rest home, elderly parents physiotherapy, occupational and diversional therapy

Last modified on 11 Jun, 2016


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