Forums > Social Chat > Ill be an old man tomorrow......

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SupermanBRONZE Member
829 posts
Location: Houston, Texas, USA

Hey guys!!! I thought id jump in and throw down a post. Since yoose guys are my second family, i thought id share with you that tomorrow, may 2nd, (here in the states) i will be 27 yrs old. Good lord. 27.

At least i dont look 27, i still get carded all the time. My wife says i have a baby face...just with a gotee..

But please please no presents..Dotn get me wrong i wont turn them away, shit mamma didnt raise no fool. I take check. mail it to

8222 Kingsbrook
Houston, Texas
77024 Apartment 386

But on a different note: i do want to thank every one for the repsonses concearning my freind Ceasar. Im sorry to say that he is still under, but we all have hope. Not to be a downer..But i love each and evey one of yoose for it..

By the way, i thought there was some one that shares the smae birthday with me. This is my 3rd b-day on HOP. I remember when i was about 200 posts behind Pele. I made a crack about catching her...5000 posts later..hee hee

Ill stop blabbering now. Better hope i never win an Oscar for something, ill go on forever.

Love Ya Sis!!
N8- where have you been
Myst- i still cant get the BTB
Pele- didnt we have a running joke about your breasts??
[Josh]- the patch never came..??
Cantus...well somethings are best left unsaid



Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.

- Mark Twain

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !


I was at home and sat in front of my computer right now to post a HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRO to you on HOP and tell you ho much I love you and thank you for all the things you do for me and all... and you self-posted that message , you're such a punk

Happy birthday Superman

shine on
your sis

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

SupermanBRONZE Member
829 posts
Location: Houston, Texas, USA

holy shit!! I have waited all my life for a French woman to call me a Punk...

I can now die a happy man...hee hee luv you too


Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.

- Mark Twain

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

27? Wow that's really old. Not nearly as old as Pele obviously.

I got a patch from Kate. Maybe Josh doesn't love you.

There's bound to be a joke about running with Pele's breasts. But I, being pure of thought, can't think of one offhand.

I remember when i was 200 postgs behind Pele too. You've fot some catching up to do kid.

Merry birthdaymas etc. Don't eat too much cake, you'll make yourself sick.


CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Happy Birthday Super! And you can rest well knowing you've made me a happy man.

I'll be 27 on the 4th of June, which means I'll always be younger than you...Is that a mean thing to say, I hope not.

PS When I wake up, in Rarotonga, on my birthday, 4th of June 2002, will be the first morning of my honeymoon with my gorgeous wife beside me...

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vanizeSILVER Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,899 posts
Location: Austin, Texas, USA

Quit your whinning!
Especialy since people don't like to hear someone 5.5 years younger than they are saying they are old.

BTW, turning 30 is a lot harder than turning 27. Turning 31 was alright though. 32 was painless (except for the hangover - I was at Burningman). Actually, I've enjoyed the hell out of being in my 30s.


Wiederstand ist Zwecklos!

.Morph.SILVER Member
669 posts
Location: Lancashire, UK

Happy Birthday Super!!!
Have a super-day, ya old git

KaliBRONZE Member
577 posts
Location: Berlin, Germany

I don't really know you, but Happy Birthday anyways!
No checks to mail you though, unless your real name happens to be Citibank, AT&T or Verizon.
Have a Supercalifragilisticexpedialidocous Birthday!

Beauty is the conscious sum of all our perversions.-Salvador DaliHope without action is hopeless.

39 posts
Location: Lingfield, Surrey, England

Happy birthday Superman,

I'm sure it won't be nececary for at least two or three years but it's always an idea to be prepared. There are a number of beutifully set nursing homes in the Devon. Currently my grandparents are staying in one near Totnes which is halfway up a hill looking out over a lovelyy little bay and then over the. It really is the sort of relaxation I think you'd enjoy in your twilight years

Love & Peace from from the big city where the underground trains don't work (Grrrr, I hate the tube!!! )


75 posts
Location: East Side

Happy Birhday man,

Hope u have a good 1.
It just happens to be my birthday tomorrow and cassandra, the little bless was the 1st to send me wishes 2! Aint she lovely

Dont forget to bring a towel

SupermanBRONZE Member
829 posts
Location: Houston, Texas, USA


Nursing home....that was good, that was my first belly laugh for the day.

It s ok you dont know me that well Kali, because i know where you live...and watching you now.

And cassandra is the best. shes my long lost soul sister. And any man that gets to be smitten by her is a real lucky dog.

I can feel tha love. I have to work today which sucks a giant pail of ass, and i have to go to school, which eats that giant pail of ass, but i am not bitter....wait...naaw, not bitter.

And let me conclude by saying that May babies will one day inherit and rule the earth, so suck up now the rest of yoose. hee hee

And if anyone doesnt know me that well, send me an email, i love meeting new people...I dont bite...unless your into that kind of thing.


Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.

- Mark Twain

336 posts
Location: NY, USA

Ah yes, even the man of steel gets older.

Long time my friend. I apologize for not being a better long-distance buddy, but with my recent engaement and start of the third (and most hectic) year of college I have had little time for myself. Lots of planning, lots of papers & projects and lots of big kid stuff.

But anyway- Happy F*#@ing birthday man! Wish I could be there to celebrate. You know if I was there I would hire like 5 strippers and a troop of midgets on unicycles. *smack* (no inner monolauge) Also, the martian just gave me a kiss and a firm grab on the bottom to send you way (N8 blows the man of steel a kiss and squimishly reaches across the US to grab a hunk of that super ass) Jesus- just shut me up nex time
And we would twirl fire of course

By the way- is your email addy still the same as the one on the board? Because I have tried to send you that picture the martain and I a few times and I haven't gotten a reply.

best wishes
N8 & the Martian.

Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...

1,810 posts
Location: London

Happy Birthday Superman.

May every wish come true

Ohh and you're right about the May Birthday thing....I'm 26 on 21st, so lets rule the world together


A kiss blown is a kiss wasted, the only kind of kiss is a kiss tasted.

I'm a woman. We don't say what we want, but we reserve the right to be pissed off if we don't get it. That's what makes us so fascinating and not just a LITTLE bit scary.

SupermanBRONZE Member
829 posts
Location: Houston, Texas, USA


that should be right. I havent gotten anything. I thought i might have sent you a pic or 2 as well. I cant remember. But beleive me i understand about the busy thing. You take care of yours bro, ill always be here. Shit, you got your priorities in order.

My wife just sen tme the biggest damn baloon i think i have ever seen. Its at least 4 feet around. And chocolate cake...i love my queen.

i wish i could share. And tell the martian not to grab my ass so hard next time, i dont want to have to explain the bruises to my lady.

Hee hee


Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.

- Mark Twain

336 posts
Location: NY, USA

Wow, now that's a damn big balloon.
try to attach a basket to it- maybe you'll float away.

I'll try that email addy now, maybe you'll finnally get to see what I look like, Ha!


Care of other people's approval and you become their prisoner.Live fully, Rave wholly.Fluid are the movements of my strings...

SteelWngsBRONZE Member
169 posts
Location: Malden, Massachusetts United States, USA

Well first off Happy Birthday. Don't feel bad 27 is easy. The only difference between 21 and 27 is that your more settled with your issues at 27.

Now admitting that I'm a huge comic book fan all that I can picture from this is Martian "Manhunter" squeezing Superman's A$$!! ROFL
Now there is a visual!!

Have a great B-day. I hope that you get everything that you want and feel great that next day, cause now that your "old" your recuperative powers aren't as strong as they used to be. LOL

Blessings to all,
When you find yourself in the company of a halfling and an ill-tempered Dragon, remember, you do not have to outrun the Dragon just have to outrun the halfling.

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

N8, it's what the cake is for, to weigh him down so that the balloon doesn't carry him away! If by chance it does, try to catch a North wind Super and we'll party it up right!

27 you say? You know, Super, I have always liked younger men (and older, and get the idea!) Chasing me in posts, chasing me in age, you just like chasing dontcha? C'mon, fess up!

And since when are my boobs a joke? I thought you liked them! Are you referring to the burning boobie bounce move or something that slipped my mind?

N8 (who is a cutie, btw), tell the Martian (another cutie) to save a piece of Supers a$$ for me, I want to give him a pinch to grow an inch...but where it grows is for his queen to discover!

Have a naughty filled and out of this world birthday Superman. (get it, out of this world? HA! ) Luv you much!

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

Damn, an old friend comes back, and the whole board turns back into a porn board!

Guess I'll just have to keep Mumtaz from reading this for a while...

HoP Posting Guidelines
* Is it the Truth?
* Is it Fair to all concerned?
* Will it build Goodwill and Better Friendships?
* Will it be Beneficial to all concerned?

SupermanBRONZE Member
829 posts
Location: Houston, Texas, USA

for the record, i did nothing.

But lets keep it clean people, lets keep it clean.

But seriously, no party tonight, but Saturday its on like Donkey Kong. (whatever that means)

Tonight i have to go to class, ill go home, open some presents, give the wife a pickle tickle and go to sleep.

Steelwings>> you a fan boy?? I have a small collection layin around the house myself.

Thank you again for the good wishes, im off to school now.

Exit stage left...


Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.

- Mark Twain

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

cheer up charlie! fuck it man, the glass is half full!

"welcome to the first day of the rest of your life!"
- Tyler Durden

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

Kinudin (Soul Fyre)veteran
1,325 posts
Location: San Diego, California, USA

Cheers! It's superman's birthday!

*throws confetii around!!*

KaliBRONZE Member
577 posts
Location: Berlin, Germany

So that was you scurrying about in my house? I thought we had another possum infestation!

Beauty is the conscious sum of all our perversions.-Salvador DaliHope without action is hopeless.

SupermanBRONZE Member
829 posts
Location: Houston, Texas, USA

I do not scurry, i have scuffled, waltz, Hell i have even sashe'd but i do not scurry....

ok fine it was me. And im keeping the undies i found....

I just want to say my wife is the most wonderful woman. Because i didnt get home untill late (10:30-11:00) cause of school, we didnt get to go to dinner, but she had this huge pasta dinner and presents waiting forme when i got home. We ate, drank a little wine, and i gots some new clothes so i dont look like a bum.

That combined your your good wishes made the day 100 times better than i thought it was going to be

Again and forever



Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.

- Mark Twain

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