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strooSILVER Member
trusty sidekick to superman
799 posts
Location: oxford, england, uk

I kinda never got around to doing one after all this time, so thought I better properly introduce myself to the world of the Hoppers! woo! here goes...

Name: Steph aka Stroo/Pinkkaos/Neff/Teff

Sex: All woman baby! hehe

Age: 17

B-day: 9th June

Location: near Oxford-ish

Favourite Toys: Poi, practise and fire…mm…fire

Been twirling: Hmm…6 months in total I guess?

Occupation: Student - A-levels and weekend secretary

Hobbies: Spinning, my band (I sing), drinking, buddies, reading, swimming, dancing around in my underwear whenever possible, surfing in the hols really badly.

Music: Soul baby! Also rock, funk, jazz…so much stuff. What I like basically depends on my mood.

TV Shows: Sex and the City, Friends…blimey I'm such a girl

Books: It’s a close one between George Orwells 1984, and Marggie O’Farrells After You’d Gone.

Favourite Colour: Cadburys Purple, then dark green

Hair: Hmm, at the mo its blondey on top with dark red underneath and purple in the fringe. And all messy and flicky. I don’t like my hair being boring. It changes whenever I'm bored with myself.

Piercings: 5 in my ears and 1 in my nipple. Planning to do my tongue too.

Drink: mmm…tea…..has to be the answer to the world problems. Everyone should chill out with a cuppa and talk about their problems. Then everyone would be sorted. Plus alcohol…I do the girlie vodka orange thang.

Food: Ice cream, chocolate (dark), mangoes, cuppa soup, salad, anything fresh and veggy (never eaten meat or fish). The only thing I can’t stand is mushrooms….eeewewewewewew.

Nothing beats: a good snuggle

Hates: flies, people who kill flies (hehe), mushrooms, small spaces that I can’t get out of, being held down (when I don’t want to be wink hehe) thats me... ubbrollsmile

Livin' on dreams and custard creams

DurbsBRONZE Member
Classically British
5,689 posts
Location: Epsom, Surrey, England


Burner of Toast
Spinner of poi
Slacker of enormous magnitude

Mags The JediGOLD Member
2,020 posts
Location: Cornwall, UK

Posted:'s a bit bloody dusty in ought to have a clean up!

bounce bounce2Happy Birthday to you!bounce2 bounce
bounce2 hug hug hug hug hughug bounce2

"I believe the cost of life is Death and we will all pay that in full. Everything else should be a gift. We paid the cover charge of life, we were born."

Bill Hicks, February 1988

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

And a fishfinger sandwich. That'd help lots I'm sure



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