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SupermanBRONZE Member member 829 posts Location: Houston, Texas, USA
Posted: This is probably pretty tame compared to some of you guys that have been doing this a while, but i have had 2 Glowsticks on the ends of two 8 ft. nylon threads. I started them in reverse one at a time over my head staggered, and ended up on my back while throwing them..it looked pretty cool.i had a hard time getting them started because of the diameter of the cirlce they created, but i got it pretty quick. I think if i had POI balls it would be easier because they are heavier.How about you pro's out there?? How long have you gone?? What the longest staff you have twirled? Im interested to know.Drew------------------"Only the warrior that hears the call will know when to leave, Where to go" -unknown
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.
- Mark Twain
ykaterinaBRONZE Member member 107 posts Location: east randolph, VT USA
Posted: well, i have an 8' staff, but i'm really betting that there are people who have spun a lot bigger than that. i tend also to spin staff a little differently than i've seen most people do, cause i was in colorguard for a while in highschool - i do a lot more throwing stuff and a lot less wrist-twisting stuff.so far i haven't tried long poi, but after pele's recent idea about dancing with one long one, i'm really anxious to get a ton of chain and try it!
Posted: One of my favorite sticks is my six-foot rattan big gun. It has huge wicks and once you get it going you have to move your body around it, rather than it to you. If you try to muscle this thing at full speed it will rip your arms out of the sockets.I've swung wicks weighing upwards of ten pounds at the end of 20 feet of heavy chain, changing the chain length by coiling it around my arm. I've made all sorts of variations of these heavy chain fireballs.I call them Hogamy fireballs.Skye
PeleBRONZE Member the henna lady 6,193 posts Location: WNY, USA
Posted: The chain I use that yKat is talking about is 5 and a half feet long. Since it's fire, that is the longest I dare spin at this point since I have to get used to controlling the chains and the weight, which can be hard for me since my poi are about 16" long!!!! I do alot of spinning wraps and such...I got into the rehearsal studio the other night and was able to really let them go (I love high ceilings). Since I am 5'10" it is nearly my height but still a bit off the ground so I can still do bunches of neat moves without really hyperextending my arms.I can bring it to the east coast spin party yKat and let you try.Best to all.------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...
Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir "Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall "And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK
adamricepoo-bah 1,015 posts Location: Austin TX USA
Posted: I've played (sans fire) with some 1-meter cables. I couldn't really do much with them (this was before I really got serious about twirling), but they could get going frighteningly fast. I may try them out again. Obviously some moves would be impossible, others would be extremely difficult.
Laugh while you can, monkey-boy
ykaterinaBRONZE Member member 107 posts Location: east randolph, VT USA
Posted: thanks, pele - i'll love to!this weekend we made ski-pole poi: i don't know how long they are, but however long they are is the same length as skipoles should be for me. with my elbows at a 90degree angle, they hit the ground, and i'm 6', so let's just say they're 3' and change. they're pretty hard, and wildly slow, but a damn lot of fun.
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