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SupermanBRONZE Member member 829 posts Location: Houston, Texas, USA
Posted: OK...i STILL cannot do an alternating butterfly with my left hand. I can go over my shoulder with it all damn day with my right hand, but then when i try to alternate them one after the other i cross strings...Does anyone know why this is happening...??It has annoyed me so, that i giveup trying to figure it out on my own. Its beyond me at this point.Super'------------------"Only the warrior that hears the call will know when to leave, Where to go" -unknown
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.
- Mark Twain
Jeff Duncanmember 140 posts Location: sidney, bc, canada
Posted: do it with only the left hand and when you can do that then put in the rightare you doing the one only around the head or behind the head in front of chest behind the ass one???if you are have 1 poi (i chose right most of the time) do the move and the other just follow it 1 section behind my friend learned it by going the mexican wave at head level then at crotch level then changing the hand in front to chest level and not face levelhope this helps
SupermanBRONZE Member member 829 posts Location: Houston, Texas, USA
Posted: doing a forward butterfly, on the upbeat, i behind my head with the right. Then when i try to do the left, it hits me.I can get it going with just one in my left hand, but then when i try it with both, i screw it up. Im starting to think its in my head...concentration is the key Grasshopper...ARRHhhhhh... ill get it Ill give it a whack when i get home.....then ill practice my POI hee heeThanks Jeff------------------"Only the warrior that hears the call will know when to leave, Where to go" -unknown
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear--not absence of fear.
Posted: Its your head alright, thats probably messing you up. Your spirit and body knows the moves, but when the mind tries to think it throws the rhythm off. i just got the alternate weave down by trying to unlearn thinking! whew! talk about smoke coming out the ears!And by the way... I need help! I am a registered user, but this damn thing is saying im not, im new to the site, and when i tried registering again, it says that my username is taken, which proves im registered. any pointers?
AnonymousPLATINUM Member
Posted: enable cookies.You probly have your browser set to no Cookies.in Netscape go to edit > preferences > advanced > cookies set to accept all cookies (why not )in IE 5+ go to edit > preferences > recieving files > cookies set to Never ask.any other browser - just askJosh
KatBRONZE Member Pooh-Bah 2,211 posts Location: London, Wales (UK)
Posted: Hi SupermanHave you tried practicing without any Poi atall? This helped me get used to the movements (and saved a hell of a lot of pain as I whacked myself constantly). I had the same problem trying to get my left hand as flexi as my right, and I recently started practicing again and it took me a whole afternoon to get the low wave down, all 'cause my left hand wasn't so good at co-ordination. As Jeff said, practice solely with your left hand, when it's as good as your right, put it togther.When doing the alternate butterfly, when swinging your left hand over your shoulder turn your head to the right and to the left when you swing your right hand.When swinging, make sure to rotate your hand well and relax your body, as the key to pulling off this move is fluidity.Persevere - You'll be doing alternate butterfly's and waves in no time.Gambare!!Kat------------------"London is a city coming down from its trip and there's going to be a lot of refugees" - Danny,Withnail & I
Come faeries, take me out of this dull world, for I would ride with you upon the wind and dance upon the mountains like a flame.
- W B Yeats
s-p-l-a-tmember 383 posts Location: Brisbane, Qld, Australia
Posted: superman,I couldn't get this until after I learnt most of the other variations of the butterfly. Something about my timing had been screwing up. I wish I had thought about this before I learnt it, but if you are still whacking yourself in the head with the poi try wearing maybe a crash helmet!I remember many a ripe thunking from that move.
The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.- B.B.King
Peregrinemember 428 posts Location: Mystic, Ct. USA
Posted: regarding registering...i have noticed that the thing is case sensitive which has messed me up numberous times when i tried to log in as peregrine...and yeah im still working on butterfly variations...hard to do in low ceiling'd apartment but its spring and soon ill have my yard back! except now its a flooded swamp! no fire risk there.... Pere
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