2 posts

Hey there!

I'm not very good at introducing myself, but I will try my best!

My name is Batoul and at the moment I'm in Beirut, Lebanon. I have been here for 3 years, working, partying and always being broke. I was born in Sydney, Australia and now its time to go back and become a student, and so I have booked my ticket for the 17th of August. Looking forward to university, but at the same time it's just hard to leave everyone and everything behind. Change is difficult. One of the things im looking forward to is practising poi in Sydney!

I have only tried poi once, but it was love at first sight! I always see amazing people performing poi at beach parties and DJ events here in Beirut, and I just love it.

I'm hoping to start practicing soon. And as soon as I get to Sydney, I'm buying my toys!

I don’t know many people in Sydney, maybe 1 or 2 frown, and so I'm hoping to meet a few of you people who are from there. Maybe you can teach me a few moves in the meetings that go on every now and then. That'll be great! smile

I want to be able to perform poi! I just love it! Looking at all your pictures made me want to practise even more. A.M.A.Z.I.N.G.

Here is a little extra information about myself,

Name: Batoul
Country: At the moment Lebanon, soon Australia
Hometown: Beirut
DOB: 23/9
Age: 21
Sex: Female
Occupation(s): used to work at a radio station, now I'm an unemployed bum soon to be a student
Favorite Food(s): Chinese, Thai, Lebanese, Italian, and the list goes on!
Favorite Color(s): red, black and white
Toys: Poi! When I get some...
Hobbies other than the obvious: Dancing, driving 220 on a highway, extreme sports
Education: High School till now
Favorite Book(s): Memoirs of a Geisha, Leaps of Faith, Circle of Friends
Favorite Movie(s): Requiem for a dream, Fight club, and many more!
Favorite TV show(s): The Simpsons,
Plans for life in general: to start university and study Media Communication
Favorite Music Artists/Composers: Hmmm, many
Favorie ice cream flavor(s): Choc chip and caramel

Peace cool

Wild ChildSILVER Member
Star Trekker
1,733 posts
Location: Cheshire, United Kingdom

wavehello and welcome to HoP

Oooh you lucky girl - you'll be meeting all those fabulous Ozzy spinners ubblove Your spinning will take wings and fly very quickly....

Enjoy! hug

'The last rays of crimson on the spindle tree as the cerise fruit splits and reveals its orange seeds in a gloriously clashing colour scheme no-one would ever dare to wear'
Euonymous Europeus

darkness-beforeGOLD Member
Rock is dead, long live paper and scissors
197 posts
Location: The sea, United Kingdom

Lo, I've been to lebeanon, though there was a war on at the time, lol. welcome to HoP, hope you find lots of crazy aussies. biggrin

Eagles may soar but weasles don't get sucked into jet engines.

Telepath wanted, you know where to apply.

BrennPLATINUM Member
Will carpal your tunnel in a minute.
3,286 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Welcome to HoP Batoul! hug Safe travels to Aus smile


Owner of burningoftheclavey smile
Owned by Lost83spy

Rouge DragonBRONZE Member
Insert Champagne Here
13,215 posts
Location: without class distinction, Australia

Hello there!

I'm not a sydneysider myself, but there is quite a lot of spinning happening there! So I'm sure you will make lots of friends smile

i would have changed ***** to phallus, and claire to petey Petey

Rougie: but that's what I'm doing here
Arnwyn: what letting me adjust myself in your room?..don't you dare quote that on HoP...

489 posts
Location: Perth

Hey there, I'm from Perth, Oz, so other side of the country... Heard aout UberOz?

Will you get here is time?

2 posts

Hey Hey! Thank you all for your warm welcome! You're all sweet. I hope to get to know most of you! I

m really looking forward to learning and start spinning!

darkness-before, when exactly were you in Lebanon? I was here during the war as well. It was horrible!

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