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entheogenGOLD Member member 173 posts Location: Berlin, Germany
Posted: I think its time to restart the staff juggling thread in the advanced forum.
Since quite a few ideas were mentioned in the old thread that don`t seem to really fit in a beginners section.
I would really appreciate if people would post there ideas. But do me a favor and make a distinction between claiming to really have a move and random ideas. it will help reduce misunderstandings And it will give us a better over view where people are.
To get you started : I was playing around with a lot of 531522 variations
one is (i think) quite interesting you know the one throw were you throw a staff as a waist cross and catch it with the other hand on the opposite side of the waist use it as the 3 it is fun
'There are two mantras in life, yum and yuk. I choose yum.'
Posted: @ BORGANIQUE "very proud of my recent reverse cascade flourish, straight from the clubs that one, feels (and looks) lush" Do you mean a reverse cascade with a reverse figure of eight? Like a backwards french cascade?
@Johnny - Do we have any idea when the video will be finished? Do you have all the submissions yet?
JohnnyFettuciniBRONZE Member Mr Pasta 44 posts Location: Sweden
Posted: @Tim
The video is done! Just finished it I was expecting submissions from 3 more guys but they didn´t submit. Maybe they will for SO3?
Just putting the final touches and things on it! I will upload it to youtube and such tonight sooooo... hope you all like it!!
Posted: Sorry man I filmed it today! I send it tonight if you can do something with it! I thought monday was the 6th!
JohnnyFettuciniBRONZE Member Mr Pasta 44 posts Location: Sweden
Posted: @Kev! No probs! Just send it
borganiqueBRONZE Member member 154 posts Location: Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posted: @ tim - i flourish in the same direcion as i would for standard french cascade but do reverse throws, so the directon change is at the end of the flourish rather than the beginning.
@ kevstaff - i'm not sure if you're comment is tongue in cheek, but if not, a flourish is where you wave the staff around a bit, as you wouuld in staff spinning.
@ johhny, swift work there sir! looking forward to viewing.
Posted: Damn internet problems my footage is ready but I'm having some trouble uploading it :S
JohnnyFettuciniBRONZE Member Mr Pasta 44 posts Location: Sweden
Posted: IT´S DONE!!!
After much trouble with computers and what not it´s finished I´m still working on a way to upload it without having to split it up into parts... but here it is on youtube!
[Juggling] Staff Only 2
part1 :
part2 :
part3 :
THANK YOU for participating! And thank you DaG for trying sooo hard dude
Posted: nice video nice show i love the backwards somersualts at the very end of the show! nice backcrosses (they look great filmed from the side!)
JohnnyFettuciniBRONZE Member Mr Pasta 44 posts Location: Sweden
Posted: I had this wounderful and crazy dream last night! A feature length staff only movie done in 3D with loooooots of fire and beautiful scenery! That would be total awesomeness defined!!!
Posted: Hey guys this is slightly off topic but..... I am launching a new website, blog and ebook called How to Sell Your Act. I will be giving away lots of my secrets and tips on how to get more gigs through traditional and more advanced types of marketing. For a good few years my company (Juggling Inferno) has been growing rapidly and both me and all the guys that work for me have been doing a lot of well paid gigs all over the UK and internationally. If you guys are looking for tips on how to get more gigs for yourselves then you can sign up to the newsletter and as soon as the site is fully live I will let you know.
Posted: here're the details of the workshop I taught at bjc this year was fun, and challenging. might try to get footage of all the tricks and make it all interactive and stuff.
Int/Adv Staff juggling workshop for BJC 2011 Rob Thorburn www.robthorburn.co.uk
Basic explanation of three families of staff juggling
Wall plane cascades includes french cascade, rev cascade type tricks
Shower pattern classic 2 and 3 staff tricks, passing patterns
Club reverse pattern similar to three club cascade with reverse chop to keep spin
2 and 3 staff shower patterns
Basic 1 and 2 staff shower for revision
2 staff:
flats antispin/reverse btb flats chop shower body throws with shower catch 3 staff
Shower antispin shower
Nb: half shower is in cascades family, as is rev cascade for purpose of this workshop
Wall plane cascade family
Basic 1 and 2 staff work for revision working towards classic french cascade 31 changing the three from cascade throw to shower throw and practising both sides