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Profile for Daisy zhu

Daisy zhu
Registered on: 3rd Dec 2012
Total posts: 4

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Last Forum Posts

I think costumes is also very important, as a iceskater, I always need to change different costume in different performance, did you heard Wrecking Crew Orchestra, an JAPANESE TRON DANC...

are you interested in some LED Costumes or EL Wire costumes? I ordered one from MGSFX(www.mgsfx.com), and I paid 28-Dec but just got it yesterday, anyway it is amazing, can change 3 co...

I am a stilts walker too, I just buy a stilts costumes from a company and it is really amazing, they are so many perfermace costumes and really lovely, but I only need one currently, ca...

Follow your Friends

Body burn
Fire fetish
I trust you
Staff toss under lights
Fire crown
Stage high
Joy of Rainbow Poi!
Sci-fi AF
Why Spin?
Fire of Soul
Hazy Days
Florida Sunset
The beauty in the Firecircle
Sticky meteor staff
fire poi
fire fans
My Love
The Juggler!
Frost flow
Back to the roots
Fire Dream
Let Your Stuff Set You Free
Having fun
Flower work with ninja Poi
Air Water Earth Fire
speak Russian!

HOP kreisförmig

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