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Profile for Daisy zhu

Daisy zhu
Registered on: 3rd Dec 2012
Total posts: 4

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Last Forum Posts

I think costumes is also very important, as a iceskater, I always need to change different costume in different performance, did you heard Wrecking Crew Orchestra, an JAPANESE TRON DANC...

are you interested in some LED Costumes or EL Wire costumes? I ordered one from MGSFX(www.mgsfx.com), and I paid 28-Dec but just got it yesterday, anyway it is amazing, can change 3 co...

I am a stilts walker too, I just buy a stilts costumes from a company and it is really amazing, they are so many perfermace costumes and really lovely, but I only need one currently, ca...

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Fire Mandala
Fire Buugeng
Back Bend Dragon
mt rainier flow
Town Square
Flowers of my life
sugar skull burn
Light within the darkness
First Burn!
Reggae Flow
Masked Orbitals
Selfie in the hospital.
Fire Goddess
fire n flow galaxy show
Ring of Fire!
Peace Memorial, Hiroshima, Japan
Double O
Fans with Hawthorne Bridge, Portland
Lord of Fire
Sriracha Sugar Skull
Mandala& Fire Palms on Wood
fire hooping giraffe
down at the beach
Upside down
Fans of envy : always improving

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