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Profile for polarity

SILVER Member since May 2005
Registered on: 15th May 2005
Total posts: 1,228

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Last Forum Posts

I don't think you can truly understand karma unless you put it into the context of a lot of different religions.eg. the Old Testament has 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth' wh...

And I'm sure anyone watching would appreciate not having an afterimage burned into their retinas.Brightness is good, but only in terms of contrast ratio so you can use them in brighter ...

I'd say the whole idea is pointless anyway.Firebreathing works because the light output is dependant on the surface area of the liquid/powder, which increases dramatically as it is vapo...

Follow your Friends

Hooping through the Wormhole
Draco and Deshawn fire swords
Fountain Fire
Dis De Los Muertos
Release to mature
Fire sword Battle
Sister Witch
Halloween Pumpkin
Ds on fire.
Wasteland Hoop Warrior
fire on a lonely beach.
TPM Couple Of Fire
Las Vegas Renaissance 2015
light dancer
Dedication and Appreciation.
a midnight burn
Fighting Dragons with Triquetras
Fire muse
Trust in Fire
Joyful Spinning
Underwater Contact Juggling
With some Flare
one with the fire
fly bird
The Meaning of Hubris
The Crow
Moon Love

HOP kreisförmig

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