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Profile for polarity

SILVER Member since May 2005
Registered on: 15th May 2005
Total posts: 1,228

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Last Forum Posts

I don't think you can truly understand karma unless you put it into the context of a lot of different religions.eg. the Old Testament has 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth' wh...

And I'm sure anyone watching would appreciate not having an afterimage burned into their retinas.Brightness is good, but only in terms of contrast ratio so you can use them in brighter ...

I'd say the whole idea is pointless anyway.Firebreathing works because the light output is dependant on the surface area of the liquid/powder, which increases dramatically as it is vapo...

Follow your Friends

Finding balance as the sun sets....
In a the basement of a 1960s theater house
Fire Jam in the Fort
Spiral Fire - Dance
Performance at Blissfall Festival
Voodoo master
Monster shark
Sunset Magic
you spin me round
simplistic intricate
Cricket the Clown
Orb of Light
Great Balls of Fire
Double Led Poi Ball
Wind Empire
Fueling the Night
Freakeasy Bean
Creek side spins
Shy Poi Smile
First Snow Fire
Spiral light
Almost on Fire
Van Gogh Fire Poi
Cheshire Cat
Fire ignites me


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