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Profile for BrokenLeaves

SILVER Member since May 2006
Registered on: 25th May 2006
Total posts: 48

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Last Forum Posts

I go through stages. I used to really want to be as small as possible.....but I don't know anymore..I'm currently a size 8 and I'd probably feel like crap if I put anymore weight on.......

wait so your hand is in the middle of the poi...?Hmmm i think i might get it...well if thats it..if not...im just as confused :-)thanks for your vid

Does anyone have a Vid..or feels like making a vid of a propeller with poi..I have been reading alot about this lately...and I want to see what it looks like with poi...so I can attempt...

Follow your Friends

Phased out
Bee The Fish
Dance of Color
Forest of the Mountains
Fire roots
My contacts
Rosen Passage to a motion
Spiral Crown
Fire Princess Katana!
Spiralling through the Rainbow
Fire sphere
Group photo of the fans after an amazing show
Look mom no feet
Ladder Notation.
Hollywood Dreaming
my balls
Poi in the dark
Future husband and wife
Ignis gladio
Setting the night ablaze
FAX = Flow Against Xenophobia
Spinners Unite
Fight fire with fire
Raining fire
LED Haunt Night

HOP kreisförmig

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