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Profile for BrokenLeaves

SILVER Member since May 2006
Registered on: 25th May 2006
Total posts: 48

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Last Forum Posts

I go through stages. I used to really want to be as small as possible.....but I don't know anymore..I'm currently a size 8 and I'd probably feel like crap if I put anymore weight on.......

wait so your hand is in the middle of the poi...?Hmmm i think i might get it...well if thats it..if not...im just as confused :-)thanks for your vid

Does anyone have a Vid..or feels like making a vid of a propeller with poi..I have been reading alot about this lately...and I want to see what it looks like with poi...so I can attempt...

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Cirque Glam
flow love &lt;3
Moment of Magic
The Harley queen
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Balance between black and white🙏🔥
Maui Sunset
Toss up
Yarawyns hoop!
great balls of fire
I am Taurus
on the back butterfly
Smoking fans
Fire Spinning At The Edge!
Green dream
Behind the Back Wrap Attack!
flying flamez - fully element
Sunny Day Whitsunday Island
Watch For Random Fire!!!
Spiral wrap fantasy
oNibi meDitatioN
Btb action
The First Flower of Spring
Full Moon Fire Nunchaku
Beach Burn
forever grateful for my flow


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