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Profile for freedomcaller

SILVER Member since Dec 2008
Registered on: 25th Dec 2008
Total posts: 5

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Last Forum Posts


So i am putting together a Global Spinjam in a stickam chat-room (www.stickam.com) anyone can join and chat, and if you have a webcam you can stream too. this way we can all spin togeth...

you can also change the direction of the poi and do 1/2 cat eye 1/2 pendulum and move your hand in a full circle. i think this might be upside down too because you can do upside down pe...

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Poi in Paradise
Defying Gravity!
Light Toys from HoP
I just cant wait to be king
get low
Pittsburgh pyros
Split decision
Electric Vibe Tribe
hazie in wonderland
Fire crown
3ball juggling
Creeping around upsidedown
Fire Devil
Floating Flames
Sunset on fire
Lakeside Flower
A dragon finds his wings
juggling is fun
Fire Staff @ the King Cat
Into the Woods
Spirit Flow
flame fans
clowns like us
Clowning arouns
Pele, the fire goddess
Ember Queen

HOP kreisförmig

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