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Profile for freedomcaller

SILVER Member since Dec 2008
Registered on: 25th Dec 2008
Total posts: 5

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Last Forum Posts


So i am putting together a Global Spinjam in a stickam chat-room (www.stickam.com) anyone can join and chat, and if you have a webcam you can stream too. this way we can all spin togeth...

you can also change the direction of the poi and do 1/2 cat eye 1/2 pendulum and move your hand in a full circle. i think this might be upside down too because you can do upside down pe...

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The best of both worlds
Hearts Burst Into Fire
handcuffed fire staff
Balls at Bryant Park
Dizzy Dynamic Foot Hooping
X marks the spot!
Universal Expression
Fire and Ice waterfall
Snake Contortion
Soflow love
Rainbow shards playing with solar flares
Crystal ball
Circus teacher selfie
Powerful Woman
Fire contact staff
Hoop Charmer
Rainbow Lotus Trail
Fiery Smile
Phillipine dragon
Lights of the Night
Fire girl
Hoop troupe practice :]
The fire shaman
Alvin Lopez
Double fun
Figures of fate
led tornado


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