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Profile for Teine

Registered on: 17th Nov 2001
Total posts: 74

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Last Forum Posts

sorry to hear about that, Pele. sounds like the type of mess i had to deal with when i was after info on how to get my artwork available for others' use. Oddly, I've noticed that the ...

my birth-day was 23 years ago.

Frost, carefy before you end up in a theologian's ponder. I'm not going into much detail here, due to my chaotic/cheshire tendancies to attract (and sometimes cause) mischief and suc...

Follow your Friends

Tunnel of Love
Fire spirit
Black white Firepoi
peace and love
White flame
Liquid color
Dawn of Happenstance 9
my buugeng dragon and i @ ozora
The Kiss
4 poi
Fire bending
Fiery Wall Flower
6 Ball
Bow Stance Fire Sword
Fire of Joy
Electric tornado
Phoenix Space
Squeaks the clown!
Work It
opp in the air
Hair over the face
Stalls of Love
Flow Face
Burning Love
Forest Hula Hooper
Sang Jay
Pyro by Julier Bruhier et Ma Nu
gem dee

HOP kreisförmig

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