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Profile for Teine

Registered on: 17th Nov 2001
Total posts: 74

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Last Forum Posts

sorry to hear about that, Pele. sounds like the type of mess i had to deal with when i was after info on how to get my artwork available for others' use. Oddly, I've noticed that the ...

my birth-day was 23 years ago.

Frost, carefy before you end up in a theologian's ponder. I'm not going into much detail here, due to my chaotic/cheshire tendancies to attract (and sometimes cause) mischief and suc...

Follow your Friends

fire square on the beach
Fire Spinning At The Edge!
live for the moments that make life amazing
Kitty slicer
Whips, Chains and Fire... What else would one need?... Besides a Fire-Whip
Black & White Flower
Heart of fire
Harley Quinn
new fire whip performance 2014
Just a girl and her stick
The Ballerina
Selki - contact poi act
Born from Roses
Stribe Tribe Circus
Sobeks Trident
Mermaid Portal
My man on fire
just getting started again
I ♡ Fire
Practice fire man
Ghost People
Heart of fire
flow poi duo, 6 petal
Juggling torches
Random ranch performance
Through the looking hoop
Performance is in the Fire 2

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