Forums > Social Chat > Dont know what to do with myself!!

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TwirlyVicnorthern monkey
235 posts

Been thinking "as soon as i finish uni, i can do this, this this this this and that...."

mainly involving staff and juggling. But i finished on monday and since then, what have i done??? Nowt, nothing, diddly squat!

Okay so i've really hurt my thumb, but no excuse i could still do things like my washing and clean the yard. Or i could concentrate on flat hunting and job searching. But i dont understand, i have absolutly no motivation. I think its cos i dont have my staff to focus myself with.

ARGH!!! Does anyone else feel like this? I feel like i've got summer fever or something odd like that...

want to know the cherry?? I'm not even excited about glastonbury.... now that is a sign of an unwell vicki

vic xx

ex-hop-aholic, now inconsistent lurker...

DomBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,009 posts
Location: Bristol, UK

You've just finished exams right? You've just finished a chapter of your life?

So it's pretty natural to want (and need) to shut down and relax for a while, in fact you probably need to. The danger is in getting stuck in this (or any) rut.

So chill out for a couple of weeks, take it easy, spin when you can (and get really good!) prod around the future but there's no point thinking about it too much if you don't want to as you won't make good choices.

I reckon Glastonbury will re-energize you. I know it usually leaves me very bouncy! Glastonbury, full of random people, happenings and fluffy atmospheres. It's going to be lovely! Just imagine sitting by the stone circle, 900 acres of Glastonbury lying before you, and spinning that staff in a drumming circle. Still not excited?

with smiles ,

AdeSILVER Member
Are we there yet?
1,897 posts
Location: australia

It takes a while when semester finishes to wind down usually I find. You're going flat out all semester, and then you suddenly stop. No wonder you've got no motivation to do anything. Give yourself permission to do nothing but relax, and recover your energy. Your motivation levels should pick up from there.

Go to the art gallery, the museum, a walk, something restful for the soul

4,308 posts
Location: York, England

i always had that problem at the end of a semester..... as long as it goes away in a few weeks you should be fine...

Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive

Shalom VeAhavah

New Hampshire has a point....

167 posts
Location: leicester, england

doesnt sound too good... try just chilling for a bit and get away from everything if you can... it works for me anyway... ...when I finished uni, I had about 3 days to move the length of the country and start work; avoid doing this like the plague... its knackering!

you can take the cat out of the jungle, but you cant take the jungle out of the cat

CassandraFroggie ... Ribbit !!!
4,224 posts
Location: Back in Paris... for now !

Hey, don't worry. When the pressure goes down a bit there is always this feeling of losing energy and not really knowing what next.
Don't put that pressure on your shoulders yet. Relax, I'm with Dom on that, Glastonburry will give you some sunshine / fun back.

Don't beat yourself up for being tired !!! damn right you're tired ccause you've worked so much !!!be gentle and good to yourself.

When I finished Uni I got stuck for a few months not really knowing what next and then I met a painter who offered a job in Japan and I left everything behind within a couple of weekw... Trust yourself !!!

big hugs , smiles and tons of sunshine to you
shine on

"I want brown bread... no, that is diesel oil..."
"So I was raised in Europe, where History comes from ..."
"NON !!! La Plume de mon oncle n est pas Bingibangibungi !!!"

1,463 posts
Location: Florida


Hello Vic,

I say take it easy as well... Chill for a bit have some fun forget about all the hard work for a while and chill out totally...

After chilling for a while (dont use this as an excuse to keep chilling, as it gets addictive) I think u should be fine...

Hey I'm taking a gap year and didnt want to do shit after exams as well hey such is life... Just go out meet new ppl start afresh and that should make u want to do all the shit u need to do to sort urself out

'Dont be hard on ur self' (poiniting at Cassandra and noding my head in agreement) just realize that u arent super human and the brain can only take in so much after being worked hard...

Anyway hope i helped...
Love to all, Drome


171 posts
Location: Bristol, UK

I'm sorry Vic, if it's all that bad, it probably means you're going to die.

SmallBoy - xCarpal \'Tunnel
2,737 posts
Location: London

Sorry, saw the subject text and had to laugh.....
Never had a problem entertaining myself 4 any length of time. Between Raves, poi and masturbation my life is full enough already. (there are other facets but 4 entertainment purposes only...)
Do what you want, when u want, u tend to fall into what u can when u can anyway....don't stress.......
Ask yourself this. What does your heart tell u...
Said it b4 & I'll say it again "Don't try and do what you think will make you happy, Be happy in what u do already."
U'll be fine.

Small Lardy Person In Disguise

TwirlyVicnorthern monkey
235 posts

thanks guys, i'm feeling a bit better. Got a job interview today so got that to look forward to and realised its festival week so gots loads to do!! That was crazy, like everything all at once lol!

mwah, ur all stars

vic xx

ex-hop-aholic, now inconsistent lurker...

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