340 posts
Location: Australia

Procrastination is destroying me!!!!!!!

Does anyone have any advice about how to defeat this problem of all problems????????

step 1. Throw your self at the ground.
step 2. Miss.

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

love is the answer to everything.

love your right hand today.

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

arsnHow do you change this thing???
1,903 posts
Location: Behind the couch...

I keep throwing Jim Beam into my hand, just to get my date drunk...


Non-Https Image Link

I can't hear you... I have a banana in my ear.

"You mean I'll have to use my brain?... but I use staff!!!" ~ ben-ja-men

dulce flamesmember
234 posts
Location: Oceanside, California USA

Don't procrastinate if you're just going to feel bad about wasting time... Completely enjoy moments where you are not working (no guilt because if you're enjoying yourself, you're not wasting time) - And sit down and work on what you need to get done when you are ready to be productive..... It doesn't have to consume your whole life away..... Get yourself in the mood for what you have to work on (I'm assuming you kind of like the topic or thing you've gotta do????) Anyway, it worked for me in college.... Go crazy when you can - don't feel bad 'bout it - and sit down and work your ass off when you're ready............ Remember, waiting 'till the last minute just adds stress and makes the project harder (unless of course you didn't stress badly and are prepared to stay up all night and work away 'till you like your product?????)))
- man, i'm feelin' mighty babbly right now.... Maybe you should stop playing on the internet and open a book??????? just kiddin'..good luck..

AdeSILVER Member
Are we there yet?
1,897 posts
Location: australia

I swear, BurningByron, if I didn't procrastinate, I wouldn't get anything done at all

You should see how clean my house is during assignment time for my masters!!

But, for you, you might find the following useful:
Small achieveable chunks ending in a reward

Essentially, commit yourself to read to the end of the chapter (or finish the exercises, or what ever), then get up and go for a quick 5 minute (no more) walk, or do something else for 5 mins (poi maybe ). Come back, set another SMALL goal (that might take 20 to 30 minutes to do), then reward yourself with 5 minutes of play. etc..

By breaking down your task into small chunks, you will find the task at hand does not seem so overwhelming, and the problem of procrastination shouldn't be such a problem.

Hope that helps, good luck to everyone sitting exams and finishing the semester!

27 posts
Location: Peterborough. uk

"Procrastitination is the thief of time",
aaahhhh such wise words, take Hamlet for example. Poor old Hamlet, should of killed his uncle for killing his father and taken his thrown, but he let it play on his mind for far to long, and what happens? His girlfriend goes mental then kills herself, Hamlet kills her dad by accident, he then kills her brother in a duel in which his mother gets poisoned and dies, Hamlet himself gets poisoned and dies, luckily he manages to polish of his incestuous Uncle, which if you remember rightly he shoulda done at the start! So what did procrastination do? Made everybodies lives a misery.
So my advice would be to do what you know you gotta do, otherwise your lying to yourself which is far worse a crime, and if your not careful you might end up bumping off your whole family by accident!
Live life to the full and make every moment count, strive to better yourself on a daily basis!
Wise words, probably not, just stoned gibberish!
Take Care.

Infinty is a long time.......especially towards the end!

603 posts
Location: Edinburgh, Scotland, Uk

Remember when you procrastinate you choose lies.

*gets all dreamy eyed* ahhhhhh, brandon. Words of wisdom.

[ 11 July 2002, 01:21: Message edited by: dibs_star ]

Can miles truly separate us from friends? If we want to be with someone we love aren't we already there? If there is someone willing to show, and there is someone willing to see; magic happens. This is whem humans are alive. This is when the wingless fly.

4,308 posts
Location: York, England

if only i knew how to make mysefl do tsuf.... liek teh laundry i supposed to be gnidlof right now!

Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive

Shalom VeAhavah

New Hampshire has a point....

557 posts
Location: The Underworld

Leave the weed smoking until after you do shit.

Az abouve, So below...

1,463 posts
Location: Florida

old and dear friend of mine...

Just think of all the shite you will have to deal with if you dont do it... That never helped me but it should help you!

Um... Dunno I think the whole taking little breaks deal should work except when I tried that my break were longer than the task I was doing so I was still doing the same thing...

Hate to be all nike about it but 'JUST DO IT'

love and good luck to all us lazy bastards (etts) and/or stoners



92 posts
Location: roanoke, VA

procrastination is like masturbation
its fun until you realize you're fucking yourself

Peace,Travis IM: frodus17

158 posts
Location: Oxford, U.K.

"WHAT DO WE WANT PROCRASTINATION WHEN DO WE WANT IT.... um not right now ive got stuff to do come back tommorow"

One fine day in the middle of the night,
Two dead men got up to fight,
Back to back they faced each other,
Drew there swords and Shot each other.

1,463 posts
Location: Florida

Originally posted by frodus:
procrastination is like masturbation
its fun until you realize you're fucking yourself

I almost fell out of my chair! This is a lovely analogy! Well said!

But... hey masturbation can be fun! Come on who hasnt played with themselves and enjoyed it?


4,308 posts
Location: York, England

*note to self*

it is very bad when ur bed gets so cluttered that you move the blankets and pillows to a space on teh floor taht is 1/4 the size of ur bed taht u only just cleared a few minutes ago anyhow.

i don't procrastinate. never. not me. nope.

Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive

Shalom VeAhavah

New Hampshire has a point....

Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

There is a simple way to stop procrastination... I'll tell you tomrrow.

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

master sodiummember
536 posts
Location: carson city, nevada

best way to cure procrastination with much less work:

dont do anything. then your not saving it for later. you're just not doing it. thats what I did and just look at me now.

you can't have a war against terrorism because war IS terrorism.it's not about worshipping fire. its about making the fire want to worship you.

340 posts
Location: Australia

hmmm excellent advice guys thanx, but essentially what it comes down to is committing to myself which I cant do cause I dont accept myself! I can commit to other people but I dont want to have to rely on someone else to succeed. I want to get into Medicine next but it will mean I'll have to learn a whole two years worth of Chemistry, Human Biology and Applicable Maths in 5 months. I can do it if I just stopped procratinating! So how can I learn to love and accept myself so I can then commit to myself?? I've been trying stuff like Accu-pressure techniques, emotional freedom techniques, provocative energy therapy and a fuck load of meditation but I still cant seem to commit!! Has anyone else overcome the same problem?

step 1. Throw your self at the ground.
step 2. Miss.

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