BurnsBRONZE Member
40 posts
Location: gloucester,U.K.

after a poi season the other night we decided to season some eerrr.... josh sticks and got into one of those deep conversations.

Do well all see the same colour - is the blue sky i see the same blue you see?

and taste and smell?

In the future if they could transfere us into AI would it still be us? would it still have our sole?

just something i've been playing with most of the week.

IdubIHoP Lurker
272 posts
Location: Medway, Kent, UK

Aah, an age old question, one of the ones that's always new

What has to be remembered is that everything we see experience is in fact a load of (please excuse my lack of actual terminalolgy and possibly accuracy) neuro-electrical impulse which are sent to the brain by receptors in our bodies. The brain then converts this to something we can deal with, sights, sounds etc.

This is really noticable when sensory altering chemicals have been consumed (you know what I mean). You'll notice that a lot of things you look at seem to be repetative, this is beacuse your brain only interprets a small amount of what is taken in, so as not to overwhelm your consious mind (I think).

And it's time for me to leave work now so I've got to stop.

In my mind it has occured to me that I must be the product of someone elses diseased imagination, I mean there is no way I could have come up with me.

*Oh, just for a minute,* my bed said.
"Don't lie to me," I grumbled.
*But you're so tired...*

DioHoP Mechanical Engineer
729 posts
Location: OK, USA

HAHAHAHA Sub I absolutely LOVE your quote!

What hits the fan is not evenly distributed.

1,463 posts
Location: Florida

besides being overly simplified that is almost completely scientifically wrong... (the thing about the drugs, second paragraph)

Going back to what sub mentioned in the first paragraph... The majority of perception involves chemicals, neuron activity (chemical changes across the mebranes of the synapses of nerves), and last but not least, hormones!

Every person is different... Their chemical make up is similar yet they are different in their chemical balance... This apparently does not make sence but if you look at science its the way it works...
All of your moods/traits (which inherently affect perception) are determined by the chemicals in your body at that point in time in relation to your metabolism, diet, excersise... and anything else which can affect you chemically (sex, beer, stress, chocolate, are some of the weird ones)

So... basically what I'm trying to say is that you will never percieve something exactly like anyone else... Its impossible... If the chemicals in your brain determine how you feel and how you PERCIEVE then no two humans will see the same thing at the same time in the same way... Even thought can affect perception...

Go ask a biochemistry major! Oh and while your at it... a phychologist, a doctor, several specialist doctors (ostheopaths, dentists, surgeons, etc...)
wait before i forget...

ask a neurologist, a sexologist, a psychiatrist...

They might be able to provide you with the correct answer, if they manage not to disagree and kill themselves in the process...

Much love, Drome


Paddyback from the dead...sort of
884 posts
Location: 43°41'N 79°38'W

Ooo, I just *love* talking about this kind of stuff. I'm going into AI after uni, and this stuff is right up my alley.

Okey-dokey, here are some thoughts. First off, if AI modules or what ever were connected to and worked with out brains, would it still be us? I think so.

But let me first make clear that when it comes to the soul, I'm afraid I don't terribly believe in one, and I know that will set me apart from a lot of people on this board. All I really believe is that matter, when arragned into systems, can give rise to consiousness, and that consiousness does not truly exist in the physical world...is that close enough to a soul for you?

The apprent fact that we remain the same person (in terms of consiouness) throughout our entire lives is an illusion, in exactly the same way that we appear to keep have the same bodies for our entire lives in an illusion. Take a look at your body right now...in nine months or so every piece of it will be scattered throughout the world, only to be replaced by other pieces of matter that are right now growing in other living things. So while your body might not have persisted, the combination of stuff that makes you "you", has. In the same way, the digital connections and combinations of neurons in your brains will persist, ever though your neurons won't, making you seem like the same person to your own self.

Needless to say, these combinations are not static throughout you whole life, but ever-changing. THese changes happen naturally, but we can do things to physical selves to change our systems and hence our consiousness, such as taking taking halucinogen or whacking ourselves on the head with 2x4s. Adding AI to ourselves would be no different...we would *alter* our consiouness, but it would still be us. After all, our consiousnesses change all that time, but do you ever not think you're you?

If we added AI to our brains, would we still be human? That's a bit more specific, and the answer would dpened on your definition of human. But would we still be *ourselves*? Yes.

More later...I'm at work.

master sodiummember
536 posts
Location: carson city, nevada

ok, here's my beliefs on this, hope its not too long, and remains somewhat interesting.

when we come into this world, we are truly able to see everything for what it is, but we have no understanding of it. this is the point where we can see people for what they are. have you ever noticed how babies will like certain people but hate others for no apearant reason? then as we progress through life we are told what everything is. "this is your mouth, your eyes, ect." thus we are given a complete description of what the world is, hence why the sky is "blue". can you recall memories from when you were really young, where you remember some objects, but very few, while the experience you had stands out vividly? as we continue on through life this description is comstantly reinforced with school, television and such. after a while we think we have a great understanding of what the world is. we have the same description as most others, so we think that must be how it is. but then you're wandering out at night and see a person lurking in the bushes. at first you're slightly scared, but realize that they aren't coming toward you. you yell to them but they give no reply. you wonder what must be wrong with this person, standing out in the bushes, not giving a reply, so you go investigate. when you get there all you see is a peice of material on a bush blowing in the breeze. you can rest easy knowing that you have it figured out right? but this happens alot. sometimes you just see something to strange for your description and call it a "hallucination", or a "mirage". but you saw it, correct? the only reason you say it cannot exist is because it does not fit in with your description of reality.

soon you discover plants and chemicals that give you what you deem as "hallucinations". you see many wonderous things on your journey through a different world. but you still call them unreal. even after you come down, you see this things more often then before you took the "drug", and pass them off as being side effects, or flashbacks. when in fact, you are alot closer to reality then you think. you finally have been given a dose of reality and still you pass it off as being a "hallucination", just because it does not fit in with the description everyone was given.

you can't have a war against terrorism because war IS terrorism.it's not about worshipping fire. its about making the fire want to worship you.

CharlesBRONZE Member
Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer
3,989 posts
Location: Auckland, New Zealand

This is an interesting thread, particularly as this disucssion comes up with me and people on a regular basis, even if the topic makes it less discernable.

I'm slightly colour-blind, and everynow and then someone finds out and keeps on asking me what colour is this (holds up a pen or a book or something) and what colour is that etc etc.

It's then that i need to explain that colourblindness (even one as slight as mine) is the INABILITY to DISTINGUISH colours. So that, under certain conditions, dark green and black are hard for me to tell apart.

It's a common misconception, but very people realise that if I saw a red apple as blue, then when i was learning colours, my parents would point to a 'blue' apple and say it was red.

I would go through life seeing colours differently to everyone else, but calling the different colour the same name. I.E What looks blue to me I call red, and that is what other poeple see AND call red. No-one would ever know i was seeing diffierent colours.

This concept can apply to almost everything we experience but assume that others experience the same way. How do I know that what feels hot to me isn't the same sensation as cold to another person. If we both learned that that sensation was called hot through similar circumstances, it's not the sensation that is the same, merely the way we learned what other's call the sensation.

Whenver someone uses a word, try to think of what THEY may mean by it, rather than 'knowing' that they mean what your understanding of the word is.

Applying this basic principle during discussions, social situations and when reading can really open up both your empathy and your ability to see it from the other person's "possible" point of view.

I see this whole theory as a great tool to increase your theory-of-mind as an individual, and also to prepare yourself for errors of judgement when they occur.

Anyway, majorly off track , but definitely something to keep in mind, particularly on a word-based medium like this.

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IdubIHoP Lurker
272 posts
Location: Medway, Kent, UK

Erm, err, right lets see...
Ok, hopefully I'll not write this in a way that comes across as being rude or offensive, or something like that (it's 2am I'm tired at the moment). However it will be excessivly long, a habit of mine.

Basically I shouldn't have posted my original comments as I hadn't finished them, I came across this thread was rather interested in the topic but then had to leave work, having spent less than 5 minutes on it.

So I apologise if I have made any patently incorrect statements.

Perhaps I should have started my sentance with "in my limited experience I have found.....".

I had wanted to say something along the lines of what Drome Pixie, Paddy, Master Sodium and Charles have said, obviously not all of it that'd taken me weeks.

However it's now 2.08am goodnight

*Oh, just for a minute,* my bed said.
"Don't lie to me," I grumbled.
*But you're so tired...*

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

that today's science does not explain it does not mean it does not exist.
esoteric psychology teaches that we exist in many ways in many planes - an undersatnding that is lost in the gap that stretches where conventional psychology and conventional science are meant to connect. what was your previous physical life? why do we lose weight on the physical death? conventional science/psychology tend to limit our breadth of thought on these matters. If you keep thinking that life is just one linear existence from conception to braindeath, it's like living with blinkers on, experiencing only teasing hints of the spiritual.

Our consciousness exists on many planes. electronics only exists in several. How can our consciousnesses be transferred so completely when it is surely more than the sum of it's physical parts?

esoteric psychology teaches that our psyches comprise of a consicousness and subconsiousness/primal emotions. they can be treated as 'egos' vying for control of your psyche. This model allows us to separate the consciousness (from which true perception and altruism springs) from the negativity in our psyche. these parts of our minds have physical manifestations in the astral plane.
esoteric psychology builds the knowledge needed to understand the entities encountered in the astral plane. sometimes the greatest evil entities you will face will be your own egos dominating you. when you let yourself cave into negativity in this life -eg. uncontrollable road rage- then the fear and hate emotions at the core of your psyche manifests themselves as an intolerance ego in your subconcious. In this way, your subconsciousness rules so much of of your life. If you have never self observed, you will never know this. Those who have, you can relate when i say that it is the greatest shock of your life to realise how robotically and predictably we can often be to the same environmental stimuli.

can these emotions, egos, and consciousness be recreated, electronically, in all planes?
i'm sorry about the length of the post, but the depth of the mind had to be explained to underline the difficulty of it's transference to an 'AI'.

Spirituality is our evolution. But it is overlooked! Bad enough that Humankind does not know, but that it does not know that it doesn't know, smug with its technologies.
"It has become appallingly obvious that our technology has exceeded our humanity."
-Albert Einstein

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

4,308 posts
Location: York, England

Wow, so much good stuff. and odd points about perception and colors... i've had arguments over what colors are with people that are bordering on bizarre. adds to the perception diiference thing anyhow. er, i know i had another point... but i'm very tired...

i'll finish this later

Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive

Shalom VeAhavah

New Hampshire has a point....

63 posts
Location: Ontario

Crap i just noticed after i started this that it's almost 2 am and i should be in bed, i really enjoy this post and plan to add to it tomorrow er.... later today

rocketfire_tothemoon@hotmail.com CARPE DIEM seize the day and you will never regret your actions

1,463 posts
Location: Florida

You guys are a stimulating bunch! thanks for all the thoughts shared so far.

Bender I am in total agreement...

Does everyone know we only use (is it?) 10% of our brains and our body is not really efficient biologically either...

I am getting very into energy (James Redfield anyone?) and into the manipulation of such so as to raise my mental state to a higher frequency (vibration) where I can inherently percieve any disturbance in such energies. (With and without substances helping...)

The human mind (or whatever is up there) can go far beyond the reaches of our current 'society'. I have stopped getting depressed by this; it wastes my time to worry. I do believe that our body is not nessecary to have this existence, instead I think, although beautiful, our body is like a trap for the 'soul' maybe those who dont have bodies are those who are trully free...

Think about this for a start...
ok... Our world exists in 3 dimensions according to 'science.' Math and physics say that dimensions are neverending. If we as humans, trapped in this physical body, can only percieve 3 dimensions how can we begin to say that there is no other life on other planets (just an example here). If we havent been able to see other dimensions except under the influence of chemicals then we cannot make determined descisions based on this 3 dimensional existence.

I am gettin myself kinda confused so I'll stop here... Much love to all you lovely people out there, Drome


Paddyback from the dead...sort of
884 posts
Location: 43°41'N 79°38'W

Wow, this is good stuff.

Just a quick not though...we actually use 100% of our brains, though only 10%-15% is terribly active at one time.

382 posts
Location: Southampton

If we can take teleportation from the theoretical to the practical we'll finally understand a lot more about the soul.

For if you can be transported and reassembled and still be the same person that means that the soul must be contained within every particle of our body. Cool eh!

A conspiracy of silence speaks louder than words...

BurnsBRONZE Member
40 posts
Location: gloucester,U.K.


thats some bad shit. you guys know your stuff.

What do think to a never ending univers. this was the latest we got some more josh sticks and slept under the stars.

There were a lot of ideas thrown around but most including myself think that you would finish where you started.... eventually. but inorder to do that you would have to go round

but the quickest way to get from a to b is in a straight line could this be possible.

DOES ANYONE EVEN UNDERSTAND you may of had to of been there?

MikeGinnyGOLD Member
HOP Mad Doctor
13,925 posts
Location: San Francisco, CA, USA

Originally posted by dromepixie:

Go ask a biochemistry major! Oh and while your at it... a phychologist, a doctor, several specialist doctors (ostheopaths, dentists, surgeons, etc...)
wait before i forget...

ask a neurologist, a sexologist, a psychiatrist...

Well, I've studied a fair amount of neurobiology in my life and I'll most likely be a neurologist. I may not know everything there is to know about neurobiology, but I do know that there are no definite answers to these questions. And I don't know if there would ever be a way to answer them...after all, we have to figure out how to ask the question first...and I'm not sure we even know how to do that!

Anyone claiming to be a neuroscientist who tries to answer your question is full of it.


Certified Mad Doctor and HoP High Priest of Nutella

A buckuht n a hooze! -Valura

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