IdubIHoP Lurker
272 posts
Location: Medway, Kent, UK

Once more boredom rears its ugly head.

What time do you get wake up most days & why? Is it worth the effort? Given the choice of never having one of the following which would you lose? Alcohol, Nicotine, Caffine What sort of hair do you have, natural/altered If you play computer games what is the last one you played, otherwise what boardgame? What is the most pointless item of food you have seen in a supermarket? Your favorite card game (any deck type) How long is you staff/poi? Do you prefer pens or pencils? Was this a waste of both your and my time? pah

*Oh, just for a minute,* my bed said.
"Don't lie to me," I grumbled.
*But you're so tired...*

IdubIHoP Lurker
272 posts
Location: Medway, Kent, UK

What time do you get wake up most days & why? 8:45am, to get to work for 9am Is it worth the effort? I get paid and spend half the day on here so yes Given the choice of never having one of the following which would you lose? Alcohol, Nicotine, Caffine Alcohol, because I don't drink much you know What sort of hair do you have, natural/altered Long straight mousey/blonde natural If you play computer games what is the last one you played, otherwise what boardgame? Super Monkey Ball, best game I've played in years What is the most pointless item of food you have seen in a supermarket? err, I dunno, err pre-grated cheese is pretty pointless Your favorite card game (any deck type) euchre How long is you staff/poi? no idea, everyone thinks they're short though, nearly reach my armpit Do you prefer pens or pencils? pencils Was this a waste of both your and my time? definately a waste of my time, yours?

[ 16 August 2002, 23:39: Message edited by: sub ]

*Oh, just for a minute,* my bed said.
"Don't lie to me," I grumbled.
*But you're so tired...*

DomBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,009 posts
Location: Bristol, UK

I normally don't like these kinda things, but the oportunity for posts to be by sub then Dom can't be missed
8:30 on a weekday. Weekends it gets random.
Yes, everyday. How positive is that!
Nicotine. No effort there!
Natural. And perfect
Halo on the XBox. Damn the thing! I give up computer games again next week.
Grated cheese! How lazy are people! (Yes, I have bought it myself!)
That's a personal question! About that long.
pens - preferably green ones
No more a waste than the ASP I'm coding at the mo.
What fun that was!

189 posts
Location: nevernever land

thank god I'm in the depths of boredom hell.

-7:00 it hurts I know but it's to go to the loo and feed the llama, oh I mean go to work
-no effort needed I'm still asleep
-short spiky and purple n blue at the moment
-DOOM Yeah it's a classic but it makes me run around every time I play
-Pre chopped veg in M&S WHY??????????
-snap it's the only one i can be bothered to play
-poi =25-35inch's meteor = 6'3"
-purple pens
-yes is was a waste of time but thats the point aint it


DID I scare ya?????????

ask yourself this??.......... When was the last time you dug a hole you could be proud of???
answers on a post card

TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member
Liquid Cow
2,629 posts
Location: High Wycombe, England

Ok, I'll give this a go:

What time do you get wake up most days & why?
- about half past 7, to go to work

Is it worth the effort?
- I've not decided yet, it pays for stuff so probably yes

Given the choice of never having one of the following which would you lose? Alcohol, Nicotine, Caffine
- I don't smoke anyway, so I can't really lose that one since I don't have it to start with. I'll choose Alcohol since I've been without that one since June anyway and I've had no cravings for it. It'd waste the collection of spirits I've got in my room though

What sort of hair do you have, natural/altered
- Natural, kind of. I'm sure it's actually a living being that moves around when it feels like it - I don't really have any control over it except the length.
At the moment, it's fairly light brown with small blonde streaks, it'll go dark brown in the winter.

If you play computer games what is the last one you played, otherwise what boardgame?
- Thief 2

What is the most pointless item of food you have seen in a supermarket?
- Without a doubt, this has to be Manchester Utd tomato ketchup.

Your favorite card game (any deck type)
- Blackjack, it's the only one I can win at in a casino

How long is you staff/poi?
- My staves are 5 feet long, most of my poi are about 25/26 inches I think, except one set which is about 4 and a half feet

Do you prefer pens or pencils?
Purple pens to write, pencils to doodle, technical pens to draw.

Was this a waste of both your and my time?
- Not really, I was bored too

What are your answers to those questions anyway?
edit.. Ah, you've aready answered them, never mind then

[ 16 August 2002, 23:55: Message edited by: TheBovrilMonkey ]

But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.

Pink...?BRONZE Member
Mistress of Pink...Multicoloured
6,140 posts
Location: Over There, United Kingdom

What time do you get wake up most days & why? whenever my alarm clock goes off.

Is it worth the effort? nope

Given the choice of never having one of the following which would you lose? Alcohol, Nicotine, Caffine nicotine

What sort of hair do you have, natural/altered natural

If you play computer games what is the last one you played, otherwise what boardgame? computer game called, "theme hospital"

What is the most pointless item of food you have seen in a supermarket? em..dont know.

Your favorite card game (any deck type) solitaire! (hey it's addictive!)

How long is you staff/poi? Dont know!

Do you prefer pens or pencils? Pens. Esspecially pink pens

Was this a waste of both your and my time? Yes

Never pick up a duck in a dungeon...

99 posts
Location: Surrey

What time do you get wake up most days & why?
Is it worth the effort? =08:10am, for work not very good about getting up though

Given the choice of never having one of the following which would you lose? Alcohol, Nicotine, Caffine = Caffine definately the rest keep me alive i would keel over without them

What sort of hair do you have, natural/altered = long straight bron hair, prob my best feature if i had to go bald i would be the ugliest minger!

If you play computer games what is the last one you played, otherwise what boardgame? = Halo on the Xbox, wicked game but since completing it i've been a bit lost.

What is the most pointless item of food you have seen in a supermarket? =

Your favorite card game (any deck type) = shit head, and play it for shot guns on cans of beer unfortunately i always loose and get really pissed.

How long is you staff/poi? = to my arm pits

Do you prefer pens or pencils? = just worked for a year in a job where i was only allowed to use pencils, so to break away i'd have to say pens

Was this a waste of both your and my time? = not really coz i'm well bored at work and anything to break up the boredom is good, bit of a crap questionnaire though. Yipiee its friday!!!!!

The bigger the pants the better!

1,463 posts
Location: Florida

What time do you get wake up most days & why?
I wake up at around 12 these days... Is it worth the effort?
Well I dont work thats why I wake up at that time... Given the choice of never having one of the following which would you lose? Alcohol, Nicotine, Caffine
I would ditch Nicotine in a second been trying to quit for over a year. What sort of hair do you have, natural/altered
Natural except for a few blonder streaks... If you play computer games what is the last one you played, otherwise what boardgame?
War Craft 3 - Tis wicked! (yesterday) What is the most pointless item of food you have seen in a supermarket?
Food is good, not pointless. Your favorite card game (any deck type)
Cribbage (old english sailor's game) How long is you staff/poi?
Which ones?! Do you prefer pens or pencils?
Pens Was this a waste of both your and my time?
Not really...
Ciao gente, Drome


557 posts
Location: The Underworld


>Weekdays, 8:20am, Weekends..????...

>Is anything worth anything? Yes 'n' No.

>Nicotine fo' sho' mo' fo'. Need ma Caffine fix's!

>Fried and Frazzled.

>Soul Caliber (sp??) Dream Cast.

>How can any food item be 'pointless'? Food Rules!!

>Go Fish

>Two inches shorter than my arms.

>Depends on what kinda pens 'n' pencils we're talikin about..

>Well, it took five minutes outa my boredom, so no.


Az abouve, So below...

Raymund Phule (Fireproof)Enter a "Title" here:
2,905 posts
Location: San Diego California

What time do you get wake up most days & why?
Is it worth the effort?
Usually about 3 AM and hell no it aint worth it!

Given the choice of never having one of the following which would you lose? Alcohol, Nicotine, Caffine

What sort of hair do you have, natural/altered

If you play computer games what is the last one you played, otherwise what boardgame?
Ultima Online

What is the most pointless item of food you have seen in a supermarket?
Pickled Pigs Feet

Your favorite card game (any deck type)
Strip Polker J/K I dont really play card games

How long is you staff/poi?
8 months

Do you prefer pens or pencils?

Was this a waste of both your and my time?
Not really, anything I can use to pass the time is fine by me

Some Jarhead last night: "this dumb a$$ thinks hes fireproof"

Thistleold hand
950 posts
Location: Nottingham UK

What time do you get wake up most days & why?

Between 8 and 10 am to take dogs out and eat breakfast in the sunshine.

Is it worth the effort?

Definitely, each day is an adventure. I'd not want to miss one single day out of life as it is already too short.

Given the choice of never having one of the following which would you lose? Alcohol, Nicotine, Caffine?

Caffine, as I never touch the stuff. Could live without nicotine too, easy peasy. Or alcohol for that matter. Oh-no what a good girl I am, note to self: get some vices!

What sort of hair do you have, natural/altered?

Natural for the first time in fifteen years. Short Dark and spikey.

If you play computer games what is the last one you played, otherwise what boardgame?

Trivial Persuit.

What is the most pointless item of food you have seen in a supermarket?

Cheese string.

Your favorite card game (any deck type)?

Shit Head

How long is you staff/poi?

Staff about 4 foot. poi as long as the outside of my arm.

Do you prefer pens or pencils?

Pencils as I can correct my mistakes.

Was this a waste of both your and my time?

Define waste of time. I believe there's no such thing as wasting time. Sometimes are more enjoyable than others, but none is wasted.

Onelove Thistlefirepixie

Are we nearly there yet?

the mind gap.old hand
829 posts
Location: Brigadoon

- an hour or so after i wake up; because it's normally daytime
- of course it is. there's lots to be done
- caffeine. i never take it anyway
- undyed, uncut, unkempt
- age of wonders
- bananas. horrible horrible horrible
- shithead
- the same length as each other
- pencils
- only if no one takes any notice of it

btw, spiral wants to know if he should eat more mushrooms now or save them for later.
any advice?

wherever you go, there you are.

[Nx?]BRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,750 posts
Location: Europe,Scotland,Both

between 1 and 2 pm.

theres a point to life?

nicoteen, evil.

ginger curly natural (self dreding).

GTA3!!!!!! well wicked.



Well, i can handle it, some have trouble.




This is a post by tom, all spelling is deleberate
-><- Kallisti

RoziSILVER Member
100 characters max...
2,996 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

What time do you get wake up most days & why?
6am wake up, because I haven't been sleeping well lately, I have been having nightmares (including a weird one in which my mom was having an affair & divorcing my dad) Fortunately I don't have to get to the train station until 8am so I lie in bed & remind myself that the world is actually not that bad & strange Is it worth the effort?
I wish I could stop doing it Given the choice of never having one of the following which would you lose? Alcohol, Nicotine, Caffine
Nicotine, never started, makes it far easier to stop What sort of hair do you have, natural/altered
Natural red hair, shortish at the moment, but growing If you play computer games what is the last one you played, otherwise what boardgame?
Boardgame - Balderdash, ideal for smarty-pants like me who will be rewarded for faking knowledge What is the most pointless item of food you have seen in a supermarket?
Spray on olive oil Your favorite card game (any deck type)
I am awful at card games. Snap sounds good How long is you staff/poi?
Haven't measured them, but I have a staff that comes to my armpit, one that comes up to my waist, & an electroglo staff of the same length. I have practice poi that are slightly longer than my arm length, & fire poi with ball chain that are the length of my arm from armpit to wrist (additional info: I am short) Do you prefer pens or pencils?
Pencils for drawing, pens for writing & sketching in cafes Was this a waste of both your and my time?
neither Hope you liked it

[ 17 August 2002, 11:05: Message edited by: Rozi ]

It was a day for screaming at inanimate objects.

What this calls for is a special mix of psychology and extreme violence...

235 posts
Location: Calgary alberta Canada

i get up roughly 8:00 work days, 9:00 on days off.
when schools arts ill be getting up at 7:00.

it is worth the effort just cause if a sleep in to much a feel lathargic unhappy and depressed for missing day light

i would choose to omit nicotine from my diets as i dont smoke anyways

my hair is in waist length braids all over my head now. naturally is a golden brown just boob length.

the last computer game i played was mah jong tiles *lol* the last video game was tony hawk proskater 3

pre cooked bacon is pretty dumb...

i like uno. but mostly i dont do card games
52 pick up *lol*

my staff is roughly 6ft. but its adjustable

it depnds what im using them for..
pens im addicted to pens

i was into wating some time so it wasnt a bad thing

Teach tolerance, not competition.
Send food, not bombs.

4,308 posts
Location: York, England

What time do you get wake up most days & why?

7ish if i work at 8, otherwise 8ish.

Is it worth the effort?

most days. wish i could get up earlier tho.

Given the choice of never having one of the following which would you lose? Alcohol, Nicotine, Caffine

caffine and nicotine both, i use neither.

What sort of hair do you have, natural/altered

it's close to shoulder length (it needs to grow!!!) dark brown with unnatural blonde highlights that will be purple in three weeks thank god.

If you play computer games what is the last one you played, otherwise what boardgame?

Civ3 is the only one i play, it's been forever, but i wnat to play it agian soon

What is the most pointless item of food you have seen in a supermarket?


Your favorite card game (any deck type)


How long is you staff/poi?

6ft, 4ft, 4ft, 3ft. / 48/28" chains, 30" chains, shorter chains with 1.5" wicks or with tennis balls. plus some comets, however long they are.

Do you prefer pens or pencils?

pens usually

Was this a waste of both your and my time?

oh prolly

peace & love, kyri

Keep your dream alive
Dreamin is still how the strong survive

Shalom VeAhavah

New Hampshire has a point....

master sodiummember
536 posts
Location: carson city, nevada

1) it varies day to day. depends on if I have work, how much green I smoked the night before, whether I feel like waking my girlfriend up for some early morning sex, you get the idea.

2) if its for sex yes, other then that no.

3) get rid of nicotine. I'm addicted to cigarettes (although I'm trying to quit) so then I could quit really quick.

4)natural, brown curly hair (soon to be dreadlocks).

5)seiken denetsu III (secret of mana 2 for those not in the know).

6)iceburg lettuce, its basically just water. although storebought water is pretty pointless as well.

7) cowboys and indians, only if I'm the indian

8) my poi are a little longer then halfway up my arm. really short compared to most.

9) pencils rule, pens suck

10) it entertained me for two minutes or so, so I guess it was worthwhile

you can't have a war against terrorism because war IS's not about worshipping fire. its about making the fire want to worship you.

63 posts
Location: Ontario

What time do you get wake up most days & why?
- hmmm, 11 but during the school year, 6am
Is it worth the effort?
-what effort, 11 pshah, well 6 is a lot of effort but i like my school so yeah
Given the choice of never having one of the following which would you lose? Alcohol, Nicotine, Caffine
-i could do without the last two quite easily
What sort of hair do you have, natural/altered
-rainbow! (unintentionally)i dyed bleched dyed bleched dyed dyed dyed growig out. So it goes darkish brown, blond, red blond, red brown, brown
If you play computer games what is the last one you played, otherwise what boardgame?
-i played some racing game at a friends house yesterday, i sucked horribly
What is the most pointless item of food you have seen in a supermarket?
- brocciflower, a cross between broccoli and culiflower. has no taste whatsoever
Your favorite card game (any deck type)
- Heart attack or Spit
How long is you staff/poi?
-2 and a half feet (poi)
Do you prefer pens or pencils?
- pens in nice colours or fountain pens
Was this a waste of both your and my time?
-yes, yes it was CARPE DIEM seize the day and you will never regret your actions

80 posts
Location: Brisbane (South) Qld Aussie :P

What time do you get wake up most days & why?

Whatever time the walkin alarm clock decides to wake me.... either mother dear or lil sister

Is it worth the effort?

NOOOO i want to sleep

Given the choice of never having one of the following which would you lose? Alcohol, Nicotine, Caffine

Alcohol... dont drink that much anyways

What sort of hair do you have, natural/altered

Leftover dyed bits here and there... bit of black.. bit of blonde and bit of red... Naturally brown.. i think.. its been a while lol

If you play computer games what is the last one you played, otherwise what boardgame?

The Sims

What is the most pointless item of food you have seen in a supermarket?

*thinkin* food... pointless?

Your favorite card game (any deck type)

Strip poker... wanna play???

How long is you staff/poi?

Dont know

Do you prefer pens or pencils?

umm i like the other P... Puter lol

Was this a waste of both your and my time?

Actually no... it stopped me from killin my lil sis who is annoying the crap outta me

Why do you like to confuse me so?

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