8 posts
Location: Wisconsin

I'm starting this because as of this day, I've been spinning POI for 8 days. Some of the videos are too quick to notice what actually happened. I like what the tutorials did for the Staff Spinning but most of the videos are too small..... Anyway to help without going on youtube?

Runnin' Around With Nowhere To Go... And Havin' an AWESOME TIME DOING IT!!!!

Stnd54SILVER Member
42 posts
Location: Manchester/Essen, Germany

Whats wrong with youtube? If you're just starting out i'd really recommend looking at nathanieleverist or meenik, both have good tutorials and are how I started learning. Hope this helps and good luck =)

JamethGOLD Member
378 posts
Location: NSW, Australia

I second the YT recommend - I used Nathan's tutes when I was learning 'coz Nick didn't have his beginner's series up yet.

With the HOP ones I download them and play them with VLC, if necessary I slow them up. You can do that with YT first although it's a bit trickier to download them, at least with windoze.

8 posts
Location: Wisconsin

But the only places I can go either don't allow YT or don't have a quick enough browser. I've downloaded some lessons from HOP but with my new systems it's hard to understand how to slow them (Plus it's not so safe trying them out in my house - helpful to do)

Thank you for your input, though

Runnin' Around With Nowhere To Go... And Havin' an AWESOME TIME DOING IT!!!!

LaLaLandGOLD Member
33 posts
Location: Croatia

I think it would be great if you could find a place that allows YT or maybe ask a friend to download some stuff for you. HoP has great tutorials, but meenik/Nick Woolsey has some really great beginner tutorials which are very helpful (esp for beginners) for building up basic spinning technique. You can also find him on playpoi.com for more info.

I'm so smart I'm practically retarded.

8 posts
Location: Wisconsin

haha!!! I can get onto playpoi.com Thank you very much LaLaLand

Runnin' Around With Nowhere To Go... And Havin' an AWESOME TIME DOING IT!!!!

LaLaLandGOLD Member
33 posts
Location: Croatia

You're welcome. blush
It's a great place to start cause it has all the beginners lessons in a logical order and you don't have to hit yourself on the head trying to figure out if there's something you skipped.

I'm so smart I'm practically retarded.

8 posts
Location: Wisconsin

haha, you hit yourself in the head practicing anyways, so why do it twice, right?

Runnin' Around With Nowhere To Go... And Havin' an AWESOME TIME DOING IT!!!!

thirteenBRONZE Member
The Death Card
195 posts
Location: Minneapolis, MN USA

playpoi.com -> videos -> Poi Basics: The Beginner Series

seriously fantastic stuff. as lala said, it goes in order which is nice. but even better, in my opinion, is the way nick teaches. he breaks stuff down and explains things in a more intuitive manner than most, which makes a world of difference. he also teaches some core skills that most tutorials skip on, like playing on the tracks and stalling one poi while the other keeps spinning.

cannot recommend nick's tutorials enough, really.

The dawn has come
And the wine will run
And the song must be sung
And the flowers are melting
In the sun

Smurf24029GOLD Member
Poi Master Smurf
343 posts
Location: Tacoma, Washington, USA

playpoi.com FTW!!! Once I really started getting into the world of poi I found this sight and most of my foundation was founded there. Nick Woolsey is an amazing teacher. XD

Fly High
Spin Hard
Don't Stop

8 posts
Location: Wisconsin

Lol. Just got to find out how to download the stuff tongue2

Runnin' Around With Nowhere To Go... And Havin' an AWESOME TIME DOING IT!!!!

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