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Profile for Ash3s

SILVER Member since Feb 2011
Registered on: 7th Feb 2011
Total posts: 161

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Last Forum Posts

It's been forever since I was last here... My hand decided that it would rather have De Quervain's Tenosynovitis than spin poi... so it's been about 4 months since I've spun anything. S...

Wow this thread has grown since I was last around... and no Highlander, I win ;P

Inspin butterfly flowers... I can do them, just with too many petals

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Rotorua Glo Festival
Catacombs steel wool
look at this guy....
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Earth, fire, water, wind
Losing Yourself In Flame
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asbury park drum circle hooping
Winter Butterfly
Fire Scimitar ahhhwhooo!
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