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Profile for Ash3s

SILVER Member since Feb 2011
Registered on: 7th Feb 2011
Total posts: 161

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Last Forum Posts

It's been forever since I was last here... My hand decided that it would rather have De Quervain's Tenosynovitis than spin poi... so it's been about 4 months since I've spun anything. S...

Wow this thread has grown since I was last around... and no Highlander, I win ;P

Inspin butterfly flowers... I can do them, just with too many petals

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Poi in the deep canyon
In Focus
Before the show
Spinning the Moment
Slippery Falls
Dance of the Midnight Fairies
Freedom & Fire
Spin With Pride
Fire flare
Contact staff Acro Yoga
Finger Lickin good
Pixel Poi
Freezing Toes and Contact Flows
human candle trick
Ribbon foolaround
Stage show Bulgaria
Pyro Cyclone
Prometheus Ascending
Ice queen
LadyVex, out of San Francisco, CA
Hannah Snow Fire
90 Degrees of Hoopin
geometrical colors
clowning is dangerous
Rainbow Unicorn
Partner poi
Buster Sword

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