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Posted: Hi everyone. I have been practacing often, and i was able to learn all the moves listed here on the lessons. I need help creating a great routine. I show off my skillz to some of my friends and some of them think it gets boring after a few mintues. I need help and opinions in what makes a session interesting, and how long is an average session?
Posted: Confidence is a big factor. Don't be afraid to just bust out and have a big grin on your face. One thing i've noticed that makes a routine stale is repeating the same move over and over. Don't stay too long on a butterfly, don't do too many beats in a weave. Staying on a windmill for some reason looks good though. I dunno, and if you have a special move that only you can do or a showoff move, save it for your last thing you do. An average session for me is like 5-7 mins... only because thats how long my wicks burn for. Or if you're spinning glowsticks and such thats how long a song is.------------------[]Dhuong-Vu Truong==== []Dhunky ====
CharlesBRONZE Member Corporate Circus Arts Entertainer 3,989 posts Location: Auckland, New Zealand
Posted: Session length depends on what you and the rest of the crowd are actually doing. My sessions run from 10 minutes to 45 minutes, and often i rotate the show and go for several hours at a time.Also be aware that for some people, especially non-firies, it will get boring anyway. Some people will just stare mesmerized by the flames for the whole session and some will get bored by the “just circles of light” very quickly.Depending on the situation, it’s not so much what you do but how you do it.Smiling does make a huge difference, as does grimacing and wincing to make things look harder or more dangerous.If you put a lot of dance type moves in you’ll get the dancers in the crowd more attentive, talk about things that others in the crowd are obviously into, like peircings (if someone has a lot).No-one ever gets bored when they are directly involved, so conversation or asking them to help light the wicks are all great ways to extend the session into the crowd.Overall, remember almost everyone has to relate something they know to your show, whether its their love of dance, their fear of the flame, a personal experience or whatever. Those that can’t, will usually lose interest fairly quickly, unless you are talking directly to them and explaining what you are doing so they know what to look for.I would expect a certain percentage to get bored no matter what you do, but you can lessen their numbers by paying attention to them, rather than expecting them to pay attention to you…Well, that my 2c…------------------Charles (INFERNO)newdolbel@hotmail.com[This message has been edited by Charles (edited 31 January 2002).]
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el beardoBRONZE Member member 72 posts Location: london, uk
Posted: the way i dance, i dont really use moves other than weave, backwards weave and widmill, but i jump around and duck and bend over and go all over the place, so its looks good without needing many special moves/combos, but it helps to have short strings for this.i then copy the way people dance around me, so that theirs some girl next to me and im using the poi to copy her. if im in a suitable mental state, i can get it going quite well. other thing that ive found people ohh and ahh at is to get a onehanded butterfly going, and then simply seem to ignore it, so its still going while u sort ur hair out, wipe the sweat from your face, hav a drink, and then resume. the trick ive found is to look complete uninterested in the poi, as it keeps spinning, and do it to ur side.------------------Flame on!
May your staff spin fast and your poi always miss your balls.
Posted: 1.Variety!Use different speeds, body shapes, Heights (lie down jump up), areas of the stage. 2.Big tricks at end and start.3.Syncronicity with the music.4.Most peoples attention span isnt much more than 2 minutes, keep the act short and interesting.5.Facial expressions.have fun!6.The difficulty of the tricks doesnt matter, it is how difficult you make them look!!!7.Use music that your audience will love, not just music YOU love.8.Make an entrance.9.Take your bow proffesionally, the act should be tidily presented like it is something proud, not too proud.10.Have fun!love Axis
Posted: Dude do you poi with music or not??if you do try to move with the rythm of the music... you gotta move a lot that makes it interesting... if you are there without moving stant there doing move its boring... lot of transitions are cool too... my poi was boring before cause i didnt move .... but now i move a lot with the rythm of themusic and all the shit.. everyone think its cool and likes it a lot
Posted: Tommorow will be the first time i poi in public. Im gonna go to a club, hook up several glowsticks to my strings. Jump on the dance floor and spin. I'll try to do all the things you guys mentioned. Hopefully i will get applaused. Thx for your help.