BernoSILVER Member
21 posts
Location: Australia

Can anyone explain EXACTLY what a wrap is...I read and read and read the lists of amazing sounding wraps, but *cough cough* I just dont get it.Is the chain of the poi actually "winding" around your wrist, for example.???Or is a wrap just a way of explaining how your arms/hands/wrists are moving in relationship to each other??? Because if this is so, then I think I am actually doing some of these moves already, ie, going from forward to reverse weave in a 180 degree turn.I would REALLY love to learn how to go from left to right to left doing a butterfly, say.

pozeeBRONZE Member
old hand
887 posts
Location: san diego, USA

hey there,a wrap is, and i think it is in the glossary of terms, when the chain wraps around a body part and the poi hits the body and then the poi reverses direction. there are also non-reversing wraps where the chain wraps and unwraps without changing its direction. hope that helped...

anyone got a light?

184 posts
Location: Stroudsburg, PA, USA

I would like to POINT out uhh... gussy is pood.

I smell something burning.

Kinudin (Soul Fyre)veteran
1,325 posts
Location: San Diego, California, USA

Pozee explained it well.In fact, I know nothing else about wraps besides what Pozee said. So uh...Shiz, what's gussy?------------------

Paddyback from the dead...sort of
884 posts
Location: 43°41'N 79°38'W

Hold can the chain unwrap without changing direction?

406 posts
Location: Charlotte, NC, USA

Turn around. From the audience's perspective, the circles continue spinning the same way.Damn straight, shiz!

FREE TIBET!!! (with the purchase of a 44 oz. drink)What do you want to be when you grow up?I want to be a kid again!I know that you believe you understand what you think I said, but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant.~~~J~~~

Paddyback from the dead...sort of
884 posts
Location: 43°41'N 79°38'W

Ah...thanks glowshow. Must go try now...

The Welcome Mattmember
193 posts
Location: Manchester NH USA

gussy is pood. haha took me a few seconds... haha------------------I dreamt that I ate a 10 pound marshmellow and then when I woke up, my pillow was gone!

I dreamt that I ate a 10 pound marshmellow and then when I woke up, my pillow was gone!

97 posts
Location: Naples, Florida

GUSSY IS POOD! too true, too true! Great observation btw.


Let us Light up the Night

BernoSILVER Member
21 posts
Location: Australia

Thanks everyone.
I guess then, wraps are out of the question for fire pois?!~
Well then, next question, does anyone know of anyone that uses steel wool for fire?.I'm going to speak to someone tomorrow who I believe does.... I'll keep you posted.

phunkyold hand
877 posts
Location: Edmonton, AB

I guess then, wraps are out of the question for fire pois?!~
nah, you just have to be a bit braver and more confident when doing wraps with fire. Other than that all wraps you can do with glowsticks you can do with fire.

If you use steelwool for fire you're probably making sparkly poi. Look up sparkle poi in the archives and you'll find many many threads on how to make them and experiences using them.

BernoSILVER Member
21 posts
Location: Australia

Yep, got that, phunky, back to the ol'fountain argument!!!!!
I cant wait to speak to this girl tomorrow, maybe she meant some kind of meshing or something??!!!

92 posts
Location: roanoke, VA

you CAN do body wraps with fire
just gotta be careful

i wear tough jeans (denim) and quickly wrap the fire poi around my leg to change directions

its easier for me to do butterfly from swinging both poi forward, then wrapping ONE on my leg, so they are both diff directions

then i throw one over my head on the upper beat, and i face left 90 degrees and i'm in the butterfly

i can do it pretty good, and it never lights me on fire, can't even feel the heat.

just gotta get brave, practice wraps a LOT before you even try them lit!

Peace,Travis IM: frodus17

92 posts
Location: roanoke, VA

here's a good link:

Peace,Travis IM: frodus17

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