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Inc VAT and delivery it works out at about a quid a litre. The MSDS is available on the page too. Has anyone tried this stuff?
TheBovrilMonkeySILVER Member Liquid Cow 2,629 posts Location: High Wycombe, England
Posted: How much do you pay for paraffin at a petrol station where you are? I buy it at £4 for a 4 litre bottle, which I assumed was a pretty standard price
But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
Posted: My local petrol station (in Bradford on Avon) does paraffin for £3.49 for 4 litres. I've seen the same bottles in Bath for £4 and £4.50.
If you turn up with your own container at the local garden centre you can get it for 60p a litre. Camping shops should sell suitable containers.
[ 18 September 2002, 22:43: Message edited by: Magnus ]
Magnus... pay it forward
Mark PBRONZE Member old hand 1,031 posts Location: Bath, England
Posted: Right here is an easy solution,
Go to an army surplus store and purchase one of the big 20l jerry cans.
Find a local petrol station that still sells pump paraffin (I know of one in Bath but there should be at least one in most cities) and it will cost you about 12 quid to fill it.
This means you get about 8 ltrs free n comparism with buying the hideously overpriced 4 lts containers.
flidBRONZE Member Carpal \'Tunnel 3,136 posts Location: Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Posted: right-o. I've been paying 4 quid a litre for lamp oil
Homebase and B&Q sell nothing, not tried petrol stations
Posted: £2.99 for 4 litres of parafin from an Esso Garage in Glenrothes, Fife. Suits me fine.
gάrbǿaddict 521 posts Location: Bristol / London / Norwich / Chennai, India (UK) (...
Posted: this is the stuff that I usually use, its good stuff.
I get it for 3.99 from a hardware shop.
tastes ok aswell .
be excellent to each other: safe:
flidBRONZE Member Carpal \'Tunnel 3,136 posts Location: Warwickshire, United Kingdom
Posted: Yep Esso is what I used last night, one of my housemates spotted it whilst filling up a couple of days ago. It's good stuff, but being the weirdy hippy type I won't be buying from esso out of choice. I'll keep a look out thou at other petrol stations
DrJonBRONZE Member member 17 posts Location: Bath, UK
Posted: MarkP neglects to point out the pros and cons of having a jerry can full of pump paraffin:
PRO: You will meet lots of funky people who come to dip in your cheap fuel.
CON: You have to carry the f***ing stuff!!! Its too damn heavy!!
What was the final litre count of fuel taken in Woody's car to Glastonbury? Was it 70 litres or something insane like that??
DrJon (getting ready to partypartyparty tonight, oh yes!)
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