HephGOLD Member
79 posts
Location: Chicago, IL, USA

so everyone says, when you get a new poi, be sure and light it, then put it out right away four or five times in a row, to prepare the wick well...first off, what the heck does it mean to "prepare a wick"? second: do you redip it each time: like soak it, drip it, shake it, light it, put it out, then the whole process over again? or do you just light it, then put it out, then light it again?third: wwhen i light up my current poi(especially when i did it the first time), the whole thing doesn't light at once. first the bottom catches, then the flame creeps up the side, then spreads around the poi, etc. at what point is it lit enough to "put out" as per break-in instructions? fourth: i'm assuming the way you put it out each time is with a damp towel, yes? or can i just spit on it with a mouth full of fuel? that puts out fire, right? haha. seriously though, damp towel? thanx for da incoming advice, and happy swinging and holidays to all. may your christmases be full of (non-destructive) fire. p.s. here's a stupid yank-question for all you folks down under on the weird side of the world, where its summer time at Xmas: does santa claus still ride a snow-sleigh in Oz, New Zealand, etc? or a jetski? or what? it seems strange that to imagine Santa without snow. so what do you guys do down there?

HephGOLD Member
79 posts
Location: Chicago, IL, USA

does no one have any advice to offer on this subject? im crying, no one is answering my question. frown anyone? please?

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

i can only assume that "preparing the wick" means that you're getting the wick to a point where it will burn it's best. ??? what a really strange way to describe that i guess. redip your poi between burns, and i'd let it actually burn for several minutes before putting it out between relights. and either spin them out or put them out with a damp towel.as for the way that your poi are lighting up, that creeping flame, is a characteristic of kevlar. so no fretting!welcome to the world of kevlar!!hope this helped you out !flavio

341 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

In Australia Santa Claus uses kangaroos to pull his sleigh instead of reindeer! That he does this has even been immortalised in song - "Six white boomers" Kangaroos are sometimes called boomers *giggle* smile
six white boomers, snow white boomers, dum de dum de dum dum de dum dum dum
hmmmm, obviously it's been a few years since i've been to carols by candlelight!Finn smile[This message has been edited by Finn (edited 23 December 2000).]

HephGOLD Member
79 posts
Location: Chicago, IL, USA

so is there no song in Oz called "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer?" or is it rudolph the red nosed kangaroo/boomer? hmmm. anyone else have other thoughts on poi break-in procedures? Malcolm?happy holidays and swinging to all....

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

I only burn mine in three times and put them out with damp towel (not wet, just damp). Kevlar provides what we call a creeping flame when first starting up but it is a consistant flame once you get going. Definately worth the investment. We also have a rule that we store, soak and spin with fuel...more than Kevlar...without the fuel..the Kevlar quickly turns to crap.We also don't burn any longer than 5 minutes with any set of poi...just to be sure....but then again, our show songs and sections aren't much longer than that anyway. We haven't had problems. The other thing is that burning in wicks varies from toy to toy..we burn in staves differently than chains, than pois than eating torches....always keeps us on our toes.Hope you all Happy Holly-days!------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

Jeff Duncanmember
140 posts
Location: sidney, bc, canada

i only lite and relite my poi 3 times and with constant use (3 times roughly per day)they are still burning really well after 4 monthsalot of people i know say after 3 times it makes almost no difference

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