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SimosBRONZE Member enthusiast 384 posts Location: London, UK
Posted: Hey all... i am just writing to let all you wonderful people (and i really mean it, this board is amazing!) that due to personal problems & academic trouble (and exams coming up) i think i'll stay off the computer and therefore this board for a while until i have sorted my life out - i'll be checking in every now and then but probably won't be able to read all the threads so if you want to say anything to me or ask me anything etc you might be better off emailing me rather than posting... just thought i'd let you know so that you don't think i am a rude bastard if i don't reply to any posts etc directed to me...thanx a lot for everything and keep it up, i'll hopefully 'see' you all again in a couple of months... happy swinging,Simos
Posted: Hope you check back again soon... I know your posts have been very helpfull to me I hope all is well with you and we eill see you again quickly!~spryte~
ChloeBRONZE Member member 54 posts Location: Kent - UK
Posted: Hey Simos, Yeh, i've kinda dissapeared because of work and time pressures, roll on summer! C U on your return. I'm wondering how long you will _really_ be able to stay away for. ChloeXXX
Chloe. -I'm dancing through the fire just to catch a flame- Paul Weller
SimosBRONZE Member enthusiast 384 posts Location: London, UK
Posted: hey... spryte thank you v. much for your kind words, i am so happy i could help a bit; i'll be back at some point no doubt about that, it's just that right now my life is a mess and i have too much work! Chloe - haha yeah apparently i can't stay away but i do check in for only a few minutes each week; good luck with your work too and keep in touch as for the summer, i can't wait!!! i'll be working in london for a while (end of june), if you are around then we should arrange a swinging session (hmmm that sounds dodgy ) and then perhaps go out for a few drinks and laughs... it'd be nice if we could get a few people together and had a nice 'swinging' Sunday or something!!! happy swinging,Simos
AnonymousPLATINUM Member
Posted: Be Well Simos,Seeya when you return,Josh
Finnmember 341 posts Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia
Posted: See you soon Simos.
AnonymousPLATINUM Member
Posted: Simos,Thanks for hanging out with us. Come back soon!Diana
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