Forums > Events, Performances and Gatherings > anyone going to the GLADE FESTY this year?

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14 posts
Location: plymouth

last years glade festy was a total blinder (what i can remember of it anyway - too much ubbloco) and this years looks set to be even better so i just thought i'd add a link in here so if any of you peeps are interested you can check it out for yourself:
get your tickets as soon as they go on sale coz they're gonna go damn quick - hope to see lots of you ubbloco peeps there cool

sum ov the fings that shood 'ave been dun 'aven't, and sum ov the fings that shoodnt 'ave been dun 'ave

1,376 posts
Location: London, UK

All too excited - looking forward to seeing some of you there for a bit of a spin! biggrin

"Moo," said the happy cow.

529 posts
Location: Body in Seattle - soul still in bristol :)

Not sure what i'm taking in terms of toys .. i dont actually know where my fire sticks are at the moment so might take uv sticks instead .. oh i dont know. Probably not taking juggling clubs. oh i don't know.

ZeeBoo, do you know yet if you're free and thus wanting to go thursday afternoon ???

Anyway .. have got plenty of stuff to sort out before so no danger of premature explosions.
See you all there bounce ubbloco

Mike biggrin

P.S. Why do the directions say "Below is the directions to the amazing 'GLADE FESTIVAL 2004' !???? umm

LazyAngelGOLD Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
2,895 posts
Location: Cambridge UK

one of my mates has just had a cancellation and so has a spare ticket at cost price in cambridge. PM me for details

Because ActiveAngel sounds like a feminine deodorant

Like sex, I'm much more interesting in real life than online.

'Be the change you want to see in the world around you' - Ghandi

ZeeBooBRONZE Member
167 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Written by: Psi

ZeeBoo, do you know yet if you're free and thus wanting to go thursday afternoon ???

Soz but can't take any more time off I will try to get out as early as I can....

Just because I'm an adult doesn't make me responsible.

607 posts
Location: London/Bristol, United Kingdom

Mike if you don't take your clubs I'm going to beat u with a wet Kipper all weekend and maybe the rest of the week as well. Oh and your staffs are in the big ski bag in nicks garage as are the uv sticks (but out of the ski bag)

remember radical fish or I'll be following you around all weekend with a bucket of kippers occationly smacking you round face with a big slimey wet fish spank It up to you

Maybe I should change this too something abit nicer, humm no I still think your all Ccensoredt

Helz BellzSILVER Member
lovin' it...
2,444 posts
Location: Bristol!, United Kingdom

Psi - it does seems a bit odd they've put "Glade festival 2004" on the directions!

ah well...... biggrin

2 sleeps!!!!

bounce bounce2 bounce

Live well, love much, laugh often...

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ZeeBooBRONZE Member
167 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Written by: T&B

remember radical fish

Just say no! rolleyes

Just because I'm an adult doesn't make me responsible.

529 posts
Location: Body in Seattle - soul still in bristol :)

Hmm slimey or radical fish .. decisions decisions .. ubbidea

Maybe it's simply in the same place as last year biggrin

Bryn, hmm aehh so you're free from thursday evening ? Its only some two hours to reading so even if we leave at say 6-7ish here we'd get there by nine-ish and can have a nice relaxed pre festie evening smile i just dont want to go on friday.. we did that last year and missed much of fridays shennanigans while setting up etc.. frown

two sleeps it is indeed ! Looking forward to seeing everyone hug !


SkulduggeryGOLD Member
Pirate Pixie Crew Captain
8,428 posts
Location: Wales

Admit it Mike you like being slapped with a wet Kipper.

You're a member of aren't you!

Feed me Chocolate!!! Feed me NOW!

529 posts
Location: Body in Seattle - soul still in bristol :)

ubblol ahhh I thought i recognised you from somewhere wink tongue

Hubert_CumberdaleSILVER Member
[psylocibin fingerbobe].
479 posts
Location: London, United Kingdom

I clicked on that link with great excitement.

at last.. a website for people like me.

but no

" could not be found
please check the url and try again

angry ubbangel wink mad

duballstarSILVER Member
slack rating - 9.5
2,216 posts
Location: Suburbiton, Yoo-Kay, United Kingdom

hmm... i was only planning on taking balls and poi in with me but will probably be beaten into taking the rest along for thursday at least. may be a bit to geshtunkenflumt for any proper juggling later in the weekend... ubbloco

argghhh... i can feel my seams streching... eek eeek... how do i prevent pre-festival burstage? will try an let out some steam at spitz tonight.... wink

bounce bounce2 bounce bounce bounce2 bounce

It is our fantasies that make us real. Without our fantasies we're just a blank monkey' - Terry Pratchett

SkulduggeryGOLD Member
Pirate Pixie Crew Captain
8,428 posts
Location: Wales

Well Derrrrrr........ this is a pg rated board. I couldn't post the real address because there are pictures of Mikes bare buttocks on that site, with, might I say, a lovely kipper, of a particulally nice colour, slapping across them! biggrin

Feed me Chocolate!!! Feed me NOW!

529 posts
Location: Body in Seattle - soul still in bristol :)

ubblol ubblol ubblol

Hubert_CumberdaleSILVER Member
[psylocibin fingerbobe].
479 posts
Location: London, United Kingdom

Oh.. you mean that other other kipper slapping website.

don't worry then, I'm already a member and I now realise who you are Skullduggery... or as you're known on there: MsLoveMeWithYourBigJuicyFish2005


I'm being... offtopic wink

ooh... it's the Glade this weekend, can't wait

SkulduggeryGOLD Member
Pirate Pixie Crew Captain
8,428 posts
Location: Wales

still offtopic No! No, thats not me. I'm "SlipperKipper" biggrin

Feed me Chocolate!!! Feed me NOW!

ZeeBooBRONZE Member
167 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Psi as far as I know we are leaving on thur night confused Tim must be winding you up about leaving on Friday hug chill matey we will be there soon, dancing our socks off in the sun sunny

Just because I'm an adult doesn't make me responsible.

oliSILVER Member
not with cactus
2,052 posts
Location: bristol/ southern eastern devon, United Kingdom

dummmm dummmm dummm bzzzzz stttttwiiiiiiiiidummmmm dummmm dummmm plop bounce

Me train running low on soul coal
They push+pull tactics are driving me loco
They shouldn't do that no no no

polaritySILVER Member
1,228 posts
Location: on the wrong planet, United Kingdom

The spare ticket thig must be really annoying at the moment, as the Glade forums are down, along with Luckily eBay has loads at face value, on 'buy it now'.

Any idea how best to get to the festival by train, from the midlands?

You aren't thinking or really existing unless you're willing to risk even your own sanity in the judgment of your existence.

Green peppers, lime pickle and whole-grain mustard = best sandwich filling.

duballstarSILVER Member
slack rating - 9.5
2,216 posts
Location: Suburbiton, Yoo-Kay, United Kingdom

get to reading station and take it from there....

did anyone else hear oli explode or was that just me? umm


It is our fantasies that make us real. Without our fantasies we're just a blank monkey' - Terry Pratchett

Flower fairyBRONZE Member
98 posts
Location: London, United Kingdom

I HAVE A SPARE TICKET FOR SALE FOR COST PRICE. A friend of mine is sick so trying to get rid of it for her.

Im in London so can organise local pickup or meet you there.

Come frolick with the fairys!!!

PM me for details.

some people take a walk in the rain and others just get wet

Smiling is infectious. Please pass this on.

oliSILVER Member
not with cactus
2,052 posts
Location: bristol/ southern eastern devon, United Kingdom

*scrapes himself off the ceiling*

so many spare tickets.... confused biggrin

bounce bzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Me train running low on soul coal
They push+pull tactics are driving me loco
They shouldn't do that no no no

529 posts
Location: Body in Seattle - soul still in bristol :)


Bryn .. aeehhh still not sure about transport - one of my mates is now going thursday as well .. might go with them for everyone's more comfy transport's sake - rather than squishing 5 in tim's car + juggling equipment :squeeeeeze:

ssssssssssssssss... boing pop smile ..oh dear - the wait is taking it's toll on my sanity ubbloco lalalalala

Mike biggrin

ZeeBooBRONZE Member
167 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Written by: Psi

rather than squishing 5 in tim's car + juggling equipment :squeeeeeze:

5!!!!! thought it was only 4 confused I better find out what's going on....!

Just because I'm an adult doesn't make me responsible.

Hubert_CumberdaleSILVER Member
[psylocibin fingerbobe].
479 posts
Location: London, United Kingdom

I'll be there when they open the site tomorrow 12pm. Infact I'm staying at a friends in Reading tonight so we can go straight there and pitch up a load of tents.

Is there a HOP meet-up planned? If anyone here wants to get in touch for a beer/spin in the sunshine then here's my oh-so-slightly-diguised phone number: O,7.7,7.I..5,6.I,2.5,2

getting there:
(basically, it's the same arrangements as last year, but with a bigger site). I recommend selling spares via efestivals

Don't forget yer suncream, wellies (coz u can never be sure), wetwipes, toys... and oh yes - towels! As apparently there are "proper showers" this year cool

Happy Glading folks!

607 posts
Location: London/Bristol, United Kingdom

well boy and girls it's glade day and am fully stocked up with kippers (no tent but who needs tents when you've got kippers) bounce2 bounce ubbrollsmile bounce bounce2

Maybe I should change this too something abit nicer, humm no I still think your all Ccensoredt

ZeeBooBRONZE Member
167 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Written by: MarkMark

Is there a HOP meet-up planned?

If its the same/similar site as last year how about between the break beat & main tent on Sunday afternoon (3ish)(time hmmm will be irrelevant by then!) anyway if I'm in any fit state (unlikely) that's where I'll try to be. juggle

Unless someone has a better suggestion. smile

Am not in the mood for work today (am I ever?), just way to excited bounce bounce2 bounce bounce2 bounce2 bounce bounce2

PS if you see some red blue techs (staff & swing clubs) flying thought the air, come & say hi as it could be me. biggrin

Just because I'm an adult doesn't make me responsible.

duballstarSILVER Member
slack rating - 9.5
2,216 posts
Location: Suburbiton, Yoo-Kay, United Kingdom

dum dum dum dum bidle-e bidle-e bidle-e eeeooooowwww bom bom bom bom ziiioonnnnggg dom dom dom *pop* ubbloco biggrin

bounce bounce2 bounce bounce bounce2 bounce bounce bounce2 bounce bounce bounce2 bounce bounce bounce2 bounce bounce bounce2 bounce bounce bounce2 bounce bounce

It is our fantasies that make us real. Without our fantasies we're just a blank monkey' - Terry Pratchett

Matthew B-MLemon-Aware Devilstick-wielding Operative
605 posts
Location: East London Wilds

What a blinder! Nice to meet everyone I met! smile

I'm going to continue recovering by "working from home"

Luv 'n' Lemons
purity :: clarity :: balance

strugzBRONZE Member
Carpal \'Tunnel
3,964 posts
Location: Southampton - Possibly..., United Kingdom


"...We don't stop playing because we get old, we get old because we stop playing......."

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