Forums > Social Chat > Something to help me pass the time...

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fickleSILVER Member
41 posts
Location: Northampton, United Kingdom

Hello All,

I am sat here at work and am so very, very bored!! frown I have an office to myself, which for the most part is great. No one here has a clue what poi is, and they've started to put fences up in my local park ready for the balloon festival. umm On Friday I was attacked by a dog for my poi too!! I wasn't bitten, but it wasn't nice & his owner didn't seem all that bothered. The dog one incidentally and ran off leaving me with 1 poi!

Ok I feel better for that - hope you all have a terrific day.



15 posts

What is poi?

Hmmm, that's a tough one.

Think Mark McGhee would know the answer, he is soooo wonderful.

38 posts
Location: by here


how about some cuteness to cheer you up?

EDITED_BY: poipirate (1154528302)


fickleSILVER Member
41 posts
Location: Northampton, United Kingdom

Thanks for that!

Oh another thing, my new fluffy pink poi arrived yesterday (thank HOP!) they're obviously ace, but lighter than what I'm used to and I smacked myself square between the eyes last night! Not good as I wear glasses ooooops

Mr MajestikSILVER Member
coming to a country near you
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Location: home of the tiney toothy bear, Australia

you forgot to write "rant" in the title tongue

"but have you considered there is more to life than your eyelids?"

jointly owned by Fire_Spinning_Angel and Blu_Valley

13 posts

1 poi?

Totally not cool.

DuncGOLD Member
playing the days away
7,263 posts
Location: The Middle lands, United Kingdom

1 poi is the way forward wink

Let's relight this forum ubblove

280 posts
Location: Hy Brasil - For real now.

Sorry to hear about the poi, but if you're bored try

Never lie down with someone who has more problems than you.

fickleSILVER Member
41 posts
Location: Northampton, United Kingdom

I did forget "rant" didn't I? Apologies!!

Well I guess I could do less damage to myself with 1 poi... Doesn't look as good as 2 though! That said I don't look great with 2 yet!!

Thank you all for listening to me rant - I feel much better!

Oh I also have to work till 19:00 tonight, but this serves me right for avoid this job for nearly 2 weeks and skiving off early :o/

15,417 posts
Location: South Wales

I have to work until 20:00...
and I have been here since 08:00 biggrin

fickleSILVER Member
41 posts
Location: Northampton, United Kingdom

Well yeah ok - you win! I'm just in an awfully bad mood, I think it's because I've left my poi at home!! lol

In any case I'm used to leaveing here ar 16:00!! I'm having to do a proper days work tsk tsk!

50 posts

I have 3 Poi!

But I only use 2 at a time, the 3rd is a spare, in acse one of my other Poi gets lost or damaged.

Once when I was at the beach a kid in a Coldplay T-shirt tried to set fire to one of my Poi, and it wasn't even a fire Poi, just a regular one. I was lucky enough to notice it before any serious damage was done, but now I always make sure to keep an extra Poi just in case.

If I'd had to do Guilfest last year missing my Poi I don't know what I would have done

fickleSILVER Member
41 posts
Location: Northampton, United Kingdom

I think we need to join your 3rd & my 1st poi together... It's obviously fate!

I am so bored eek

50 posts

Maybe we should set up a seperate forum for single Poi to hook up.

We could call it "Don't Poi with my emotions"

fickleSILVER Member
41 posts
Location: Northampton, United Kingdom

You know you could be onto something there. Just think of all the poi without partners due to so unforeseen cruel twist of fate...

"Stripey poi seeks chain poi for fun times, maybe more... NS GSOH"

50 posts


Not likely to find a match then is he/she?

Anyone know the gender of Poi for that matter?

fickleSILVER Member
41 posts
Location: Northampton, United Kingdom

Non smoker! Not that I check personal ads :o/

Why do you say that?

Good point...

fickleSILVER Member
41 posts
Location: Northampton, United Kingdom

I'm sad today - my black comet William died last night :o(

7 posts

ohh you poor thing frown

The Tea FairySILVER Member
old hand
853 posts
Location: Behind you...


I'm sure he's gone to a better place.

Another great time filler if you're still bored at work is to try and PM anyone you see logged in on HoP while you're at work. Just say hi and ask some random questions. You'll be surprised how many random people you can get into PM conversations with at once!

It's also challenging trying to get your PMs through to everyone before they log off. But only say pleasant things in PMs, some people don't seem to like them so much, or think it's a bit wierd.

Idolized by Aurinoko

Take me disappearing through the smoke rings of my mind....

Bob Dylan

7 posts

hmm i think that naming the gender of poi would have to be a highly stereotypical act, because you know the fluffy sparkly pink one might just want to be a boy, even better can they get gender re ajustments?

fickleSILVER Member
41 posts
Location: Northampton, United Kingdom

He's currently in a filter tips box waiting to go to Didcot to be buried tomorrow (I don't have a garden). I don't know how I'm going to break the news to his sisters... (They're hamsters - but were very fond of him). I feel so guilty that I may have done something to hurt him frown, his brother decided to comit suicide about a year ago by jumping out of the tank... am I bad mother??

Yeah sickspin, I think it would be highly unfair to assume all pink poi are female... I don't see why they couldn't get gender re adjustments, although i think they would need to have a course of councelling first to make sure they really thought it was the best course of action...

fickleSILVER Member
41 posts
Location: Northampton, United Kingdom

Help me, help me, help me!!! I am so bored this time of the year is always so dull around here... Someone talk to me! ubbrollsmile spank

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