101 posts
Location: college station, tx

hey yall, i was searching for india dance styles and ran across this site:


anyone checked it out before? i went ahead and registered so we'll see.
apparently it's 26 days till international dance meetup day. woohoo! peace

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

So you can join up with the 525 other people from across the planet that have joined so far?


101 posts
Location: college station, tx

525/6.283E9=0.000000008407% of the worlds population. i, representing 0.00000000001592% of the worlds population realllly feel like a minority right now.

is where i got the 6.283E9 from. incidentally we just did exponential growth in precalculus. population growth can be estimated by


n(t)=population as of now
n(o)= initial population
r= rate of growth (annual)

typical (target anyways) rates of growth would be 1-1.5%. even so.. around 2050 we'll be ~12billion people in the world. start saving your water now!

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

There was a thread ages ago (when i first came to the site) where people were trying to work out what speed a poi spins at. And this guy came up with a formulae to work it out.

Maths is too tricky for me. I just paint pretty pictures.


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