GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

Pair of Concentrate LED poi heads

What Poi heads are these, who are they made by, who has any? They should be spectacular for £97 just for the heads! Considering a flowlight is £12

Would they be better/brighter than having 4 attatched flowlights on each side?

ElectricBlueGOLD Member
Now with extra strawberries
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Location: Canberra, Australia

I don't know what flow lights do but i was under the opinion that they were only set colours, where as the concentrate have multiple modes. If you read the product description it provides a lot of information.

Multimode selectable colour LED functions.

Complete rainbow of available colours

Strobes, Colour cycling or Static.

Each end independently controlled.

I {Heart} hand me downs and spinning in the snow.<br /><br />

GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

Can anyone find any videos of them in action? Might think about buying them in future if my flowlights keep on breaking (even with the crystal cases and flomass on them)

ElectricBlueGOLD Member
Now with extra strawberries
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Location: Canberra, Australia

Don't know of any videos but from the ones that i have seen that other people have they look a lot sturdier that the flow lights.

I {Heart} hand me downs and spinning in the snow.<br /><br />

hazephaseSILVER Member
20 posts
Location: Goa, India

I have orders a pair and it should reach me by the 2th , I can make a video of them and send them to u if you like.
I have used da flow lights but I don't like that much, I am hoping this one is better

Mother_Natures_SonSILVER Member
Rampant whirler.
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These are made by a guy in Melbourne, he does have a HoP account, its Callan_Concentrate or similar the website for the company is here I'm sure you could find some contact details and extra info on there

I'v seen these in action and they are absolutely GORGEOUS I've seen the staves also and they are simply wow.

These do have several colours in one poi, they are rather bright.

I would rather have these than the flowtoys, but I didn't know about them when I bought the flowtoys and these are more costly, especially if you are comparing the size of the light areas. I think duos were 120 and these are 190 and are half the size.

A pro to the flowtoys is that they are modular and allow you to have different combinations of lights, but these a lot of the time obscure the pattern somewhat, with this your patterns will look rather bold and stand out (as will your small errors to some degree)

A con to the flowtoys is also that they are modular, they can rattle a bit inside their casings, but this is a fitted casing and as such won't have this issue.

Another pro to these is that they do have different colour options, makes it easy for when you are practicicing to make one poi one colour and the other poi a different colour.

NOTE: I have used the following

C2 staves (the same modules inside them as this, I believe)
Flow poi (singles and duos)

I HAVE NOT USED these specific poi though I HAVE seen them in action.

Based on the information I have the above as my opinion. I've had a few issues with my flowpoi, the buttons are sometimes unresponsive, I dont like that you have to take them out of the casing in order to turn them on or off whereas these the button is right there on the bottom and I am fairly certain its spring loaded as well, which I would assume should make it somewhat more reliable.

Edit: I have just visited the site and realised that they've developed C3 now... I thought C2 modules were quite new at this time last year, so I assumed they were the same ones that I saw.

Also has more information, looks like the poi and the staff are modular and interchangable as well, so I guess you could buy the poi and order the polycarb tube for the staff on its own to slot the poi in, meaning you can just have the same light modules. Flowtoys also do this, as you probably well know.

Good luck making your decision and purchase. Oh! The page also has video of them in action, if you were interested.
EDITED_BY: Mother_Natures_Son (1251650037)


hazephaseSILVER Member
20 posts
Location: Goa, India

Thanks, I have got 2 days to go before I can get my set, so lets see who it looks

foggy soxGOLD Member
14 posts
Location: las vegas usa

the Concentrate c3 poi are boss. nothing like flowtoys,oggz poi. they are almost as brite as a set of highchem glowsticks. the colors they produce cant be touched. and the build of them is first class. you really cant get a better led poi head than the Concentrate poi head

ravers dont trip they drop and roll

GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

Originally Posted By: foggy soxthe Concentrate c3 poi are boss. nothing like flowtoys,oggz poi. they are almost as brite as a set of highchem glowsticks. the colors they produce cant be touched. and the build of them is first class. you really cant get a better led poi head than the Concentrate poi head

How would they compare to hyperlights? (or the videos of hyperlights?)

No point me spending 190 on concentrate duos then hyperlights come out. However I think hyperlights will cost in the region of £280

MynciBRONZE Member
Macaque of all trades
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I have 2 x 140cm concentrate staffs and they are quite hardy, also when 1 light unit was faulty I sent it back and got a new one no problem (from firetoys) I've had no problems in the last year and they have been dropped, thrown to the floor left outside in the wet and once slammed in a car door (I take such good care of my props laugh3 )

I won't get the poi because I can just make them using the Staff light units and some clear plastic tube to make glow meteors like the old aerotechs. you can probably use the units for a number of different props if you wanted to, they are very versatile.

A couple of balls short of a full cascade... or maybe a few cards short of a deck... we'll see how this all fans out.

onewheeldaveGOLD Member
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Location: sheffield, United Kingdom

I've got both concentrates and flowtoys- I've not had either for long so can't offer any comments on longevity etc, but, in terms of recent spinning-

both are good- very nice colours and easy to scroll through the modes.

Flowlights come in fixed colours (e.g. blue/white) but have 12/13 different modes, with a variety of strobe effects.

Concentrates have a variety of different colours, mixes and strobes.

Both are bright, the concentrates are brightest.

Big difference is the weight- flowlights are almost as light as glowsticks- which I've really enjoyed and it's got me quite inspired into doing some really fast spinning incorporating a few glowstring-style wraps.

(Incidently, IMO, getting the protective cases is vital for the flowlights, I think mine wouldn't have made it this far without them smile the cases also diffuse the light and, IMO, look better than without the cases).

Concentrates are heavier- very sturdy build, a bit like the old aerotechs, but not quite as heavy.

Flowlights are considerably cheaper (with any electric stuff, you need to be aware that malfunctions are quite likely, so it's best to buy at least one extra (preferably two) piece and, this is obviously easier with cheaper toys).

Flowlights are very small/light- easy to slip into your bag or pocket and have at all times ready for a spin.

One niggle about the concentrates is that they've got the battery pack on the outer end of the casing- personally I don't like having that 2-3" of wasted space, that limits closeness in, for example, buzzsaw moves- I'd prefer it visually if the battery pack was on the other end.
(Flowlights light is diffused along the entire length of the head)

Theoretically the concentrates should be longer-lasting, as they're built like tanks relative the the flowlights- however, my experience of electric kit is that, however well it's covered by plastic/silicon, sometimes it just dies (aerotechs for example).

Concentrates control button is covered by the silicon casing- good for sturdiness, but it does require a very focused push action to change the modes- those without strong fingers may find it a challenge- on the good side, they do have a 'learning mode': I've yet to use this, but it promises that you can put your favourite strobes etc and the beginning of the sequence- that kind of customisation could ensure that the stiff button isn't a problem.

Flowlight acknowledges that removing the battery case lid is somewhat difficult- however, having used mine I actually like the design- it's very innovative and should ensure that accidental pop-offs don't happen: When it comes to battery changing I'd say it's vital that you read the instructions that come with the flowlights and, if you follow them, you'll have no problems- if you just try and work it out yourself, you'll possibly damage them.

Personally, I think probably all spinners should have a set of flowlights- they're so cheap and look so good that there's no reason not to- certainly I find them much nicer than most of the glowball ended poi around.

Concentrates are for anyone who prefers a heavier/sturdier set of poi, or for those who already have flowlights and want an additional palet/other colours.

(Once again I'll point out that I've had neither very long, so cannot comment at all on the longevity of either product).

"You can't outrun Death forever.
But you can make the Bastard work for it."

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GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

Thanks dave and everyone else.
What are the weight of the concentrate heads including batteries, cant seem to find it on the site?

My flowpoi heads are 105g inculding casing, 135g for heads, cord and handles. I find around 100g heads are perfect weight

If i got some i would probably strap the heads onto my colecord, hop handle and no10 swivel rig

This vid shows concentrate poi and they dont look that bright (or is it just a crappy quality video?)

This is an old vid of my flowpoi duo, which seem to look brighter

foggy soxGOLD Member
14 posts
Location: las vegas usa

the concentrate are 4oz a head with not leash

ravers dont trip they drop and roll

1 post

I have had the Concentrate C3 poi for about 1 month and the clear tube attached to the poi chords have both cracked and broken meaning I can't spin them any more. This was through normal usage and happened when they collided in mid air. They did not hit anything hard like the ground.

I was hoping they would be more durable.

I have returned them to the shop and they are honouring a refund or exchange, thankfully. Excellent customer service at Fire Toys.

The Stardass Glow Poi did not last long either. I got through 2 sets of them in 3 months. The fiber optic cable fell out of the Stardass and the internal soldering on the power supply was very fragile and broke.

Mark, UK
EDITED_BY: SpiritualWarrior (1261022757)

GeezaGOLD Member
694 posts
Location: Leeds, United Kingdom

Update. I didnt buy concentrates in the end. Yesterday I did pay for a set of Hyperlights though, so either tomorrow or friday will be able to see how these fully programmable poi that can be made to change colours with the speed of your spinning stack up against the closest competition


Greggory_VanoverGOLD Member
1 post
Location: USA

I see lots of pictures of the concentrate poi strobing only purple however that is not an initially programmed sequence. The instructions dont help out. Anyone know how to program this?

pineapple peteSILVER Member
water based
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Location: melbourne, Australia

Hey guys..

If you check out the concentrate website now, there's a video up of me doing some spinning with the C3 poi, and Callan with the C3 staff(s). That was done with the latest gear, a few months back.

Greggory, as far as the strobing purple pattern youre seeing, this may be an earlier version of the LED modules, I believe the red, green and blue LEDs back then produced a slightly off white, but seems to be a more accurate white with the C3 poi I got more recently.

In terms of programming, the programability of the modules is restricted to changing the order of the modes in the menu. New modes themselves however cannot be programmed to the unit.

The units themselves differ from flowlights in that the rgb leds allow a much larger array of colors than the set color leds in the flowlights.

Brightness between the two units, i cant conclusively say which is brighter, I dont own flowlights. Having tested hyperlights back in 2008, and knowing approximately the type of LED is in the hyperlights, i would guess the hyperlights put out more light than the concentrate units, but as this is spread over a much larger area, ill leave that to independent testing to say what is truly brighter.

Ive tried to keep this as even handed as possible as ive started working for concentrate recently.. feel free to discount this if you reckon my vision is clouded wink


"you know there are no trophys for doing silly things in real life yeah pete?" said ant "you wont get a 'listened to ride of the valkyries all the way to vietnam' trophy"

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