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Profile for Kender

Registered on: 2nd Mar 2002
Total posts: 33

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Last Forum Posts

I just flew to Seattle from Kasas City with my poi and all they really ask is that you explain what they are and MAKE SURE you wrap em up. Also, you cannot bring on as carry on. They ha...

I've caught shirts on fire (little burns here and there) but the biggest one was my hair. Luckily my safety was there to smack me around enough to put it out.Isn't having friends wonder...

That was great! I need that as a screensaver at work!! hahahahaha!!!-= Kender =-

Follow your Friends

Led hooping at Wonderfields
Angel of fire
The fire noodle
Rainbow Nixie
Fire 🔥
Poi in Paradise
Chilling in the Sun
First Snow Fire
Orlando FL
lady with fire
I spin these strings around my head and I wont stop dancing til Im dead.
Mr. Luxurious Fox
Pole is Art
Stall till you fall
Mystery Spinner
third eye
Lâme du feu
Glow in the dark Burning Man
Hula Hoop Silhouette
Fire turkey
LED hooping at Imagine Festival
foreshore fire
Winter Queen
mystic portals

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