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Profile for Kender

Registered on: 2nd Mar 2002
Total posts: 33

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Last Forum Posts

I just flew to Seattle from Kasas City with my poi and all they really ask is that you explain what they are and MAKE SURE you wrap em up. Also, you cannot bring on as carry on. They ha...

I've caught shirts on fire (little burns here and there) but the biggest one was my hair. Luckily my safety was there to smack me around enough to put it out.Isn't having friends wonder...

That was great! I need that as a screensaver at work!! hahahahaha!!!-= Kender =-

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Fire Bastard Sword
Jailhouse Hand Wrap
Fire and smoke
Fire is my strength.
Balance in burning chaos
Through the looking glass
Heart of Fire
Protected by Fire
Podpoi in the sea
Flame Princess
Cyber Rainbows
Split decision
Dia de los muertos
Gaya Balance
steampunk fire
Tropic Fire
Fans fairy
Poi flower
Fire spinning in London
3rd element
Rhythm & Flow
Compo One
First Fire Candle
Fire Flower Love
Bend it back
Mike, The Man

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