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Profile for Mistress Aurora

Mistress Aurora
Hot Schtuff
Registered on: 18th Jan 2003
Total posts: 1,032

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Last Forum Posts

My co-workers and I were bored so we played around on this site. My Heritage Go to the "Face Recognition" link and get started from there!I was ranked most looking like Michelle Ann Go,...

kitty poi! How does Patrick manage to tame the kitties into being his poi? Hola Gidg! I see kitty poi and raise you puppy poi! Muhahahaha!

HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAY!!!!!I walked in at the right moment Miss you! Have tons of fun with your Doc guy...is he like Dr. McDreamy?

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scientist flow
Fire & Water
Jarred Chalke
We may be princesses, but we fight our own dragons
The fancy hoop
Smart Hoop Continuum
Winter New Years 2018
Fire Witch
Jules on fiiiiire!
Lady Of Death
New Mexican Hoop Canyon
Torch balance in Split
Dancing with Giants!
Sunset at the lake
Park life
Run away puppet
dream flowers...
Swallowed by fire.
Just Breathe
Fire Bending
Rope Dart
Flow wand magic
ring of fire
Fun for Fan
Contact Hamster
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Ziggy - Hoop Dancer

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