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Profile for Mistress Aurora

Mistress Aurora
Hot Schtuff
Registered on: 18th Jan 2003
Total posts: 1,032

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Last Forum Posts

My co-workers and I were bored so we played around on this site. My Heritage Go to the "Face Recognition" link and get started from there!I was ranked most looking like Michelle Ann Go,...

kitty poi! How does Patrick manage to tame the kitties into being his poi? Hola Gidg! I see kitty poi and raise you puppy poi! Muhahahaha!

HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAY!!!!!I walked in at the right moment Miss you! Have tons of fun with your Doc guy...is he like Dr. McDreamy?

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Couple of Fire
Creepy hoop
telekinesis poi
Glow in the dark Burning Man
Double trouble
Night Light
9 Year Old Ruben Fields Performing
Barranco Blanco
Post workshop chill
Hang loose
Anon led and fire
She dances in the ring of fire...
Primitive Flowlights
Colorful night
Let the Sparks Fly
Balance is Key
night fury
A day at the Mausoleum
Warriors of Love and Light
Fire and Ice Castle
The Balconies, The Granpians Victoria
Rogue flame
Sunset in the Outback
Neon sexy poi
tiki gods
The beauty in the Firecircle
Visual triquetras
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