"This made me think: http://www.google.com/trends?q=poi%2C+juggling&ctab=2&geo=GB&date=allYou put in search keywords separated by comma and google tells you roughly the histo..."
"Darn it - I go away for one evening and the post was deleted....*sigh* Still think it should've won an award for the fastest hijack of all time...Here's a tricky one, plural of tyre?Tyr..."
"I saw an advert in the paper about this! And being mature like I am, looked into this. I wonder if people think this amazingly cool, or not? This site is about bubbles. Not ordinary one..."
"why am i so unlucky in love?Ive been in love before, and i have also been loved, but unfortunately never at the same time.i am quite a nice person and very friendly and easy to talk to,..."
"The rules of this game are as follows: somebody posts an acronym of two to five letters, the next person makes a suggestion for what it could stand for, and posts thier own acronym.HCT"
"about the staff lessons on the site..... there used to be a girl who was juggling in videos of nice staff tricks, and i cant see the them anymore. instead they put this guy in a clown ..."
"So me and my boyfriend are on our way back from newquay on sunday, and we stop in a car park of services. This family pull up infront, I'm playing with my poi when a guy mumbles somethi..."
"Long time no chit chat hoppers. I've been in major hiding. My social life turned a bit crap and I am gradually going insane. But nevermind that. Its all lookin up now. Take a break from..."
"Now that I'm back in the land of Weet Bix and Vegemite, where everyone talks funny and things are upside-down, there are some HoPpers I want everyone to hug for me if they see, because ..."
"Another game thingy im afraid :P Originally sent in a forwarded email but i thought it was quite amusing. Go to google and type in your name (real name might work better than your HoP n..."
"Who out of you guys mixes? Who produces? And who has ever spun poi / staff or used any other kind of skill toy.I've been mixing about 8 years and I play about with beats n pieces. I've ..."
"Hi im off to Ibiza on friday next week am i aloud to do fire poi on the beach there or will i need my running shoes to make a sharp exit. And what fuel do i get out there is it called t..."
"The rules:Just do the paste thing (ctrl-v or whatever it is on your non-Windows keyboard).But please don't try and make up anything funny just to be able to copy-paste it! Or come here ..."
"anyone got any contact info for a guy called steff from limerick who did performances with Dagda dance company he was a fire performer he went abroad, but ive lost his email addressor a..."
"hi, how many other ppl hav pro evolution. if u do, i hope u can help, im lovin the gameplay and all that, but im sure im missin a trick on the goalscoring front, anyone got any tips. i ..."
"For all those unlucky (ha not what I heard) few that didnt get too sit in a cinema packed to the rafters full of gay men and fag hags I present you...http://www.starz.com/features/broke..."
"I'm really, really sorry to start another tattoo thread...but I thought this was slightly different to the other ones lying around.I've been thinking for a while that I want to get anot..."
"As someone who has never dated before...ever I am wondering what this wonderful world is like. Having gone straight into relaionships rather than being wined and dined...or cinemad and ..."
"Hey, How you all doing - I was at Dpercussion last weekend and hooked up with some incredible people. I spent a good 2 hours watching impossible feats I scored my first Poi lessen cou..."
"For those who didn't get into the intros today.http://www.nuskoolbreaks.co.uk/viewtopic.php?t=55647&postdays=0&postorder=asc&start=0 If anyone has any issues on Monday (thou..."
"Tonight at our regular-ish Armitage Skanks shindig, we were amazed and enthralled to have our viry first impromtu poi spinner.I plucked up the courage to ask if perchance she was famill..."
"Hi, I'm in the midsts of making a website, which should be sort of wiki/myspace-esque, as in people put up their profiles with locations and disciplines (ranging from poi to juggling to..."
"Anybody use AOL instant messenger? Sure, it's an America Online/AOL product, but I know tons of Europeans from other boards I frequent who use it, I say this cause it seems there are t..."
"Just wondered what the collective noun is for a group of poi enthusiasts.Someone once told me it was a tangle, but I reckon they were messing me about."
"Temperature in New York City was about 100F (39C) and humid. More tomorrow.I can't get the temperature in my apartment below 85F (30C) in spite of 21,000 BTU's of cooling power. It's ..."
"Just saw this on the BBC news site. Even though only a small percentage of us do fire eating, I think it still applies to all of us when safety is concerned.http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/e..."
"I to try and push the limits. I've performed up trees, on top of moving vehicles and my most daring - in the middle of a roundabout!Where have you performed (dangerous places only)"
"The 'triple headed weaving wall of fire' seems to be my most daring trick yet.....it came to me in a vision one night whilst trying to camp on the beach in the depths of a Mescaline ses..."
"I'd always heard of breakbeat music... there are so many different styles of hip-hop and techno that I guess I just never really got to sit down and listen to it specificly until this l..."
"Hello everybody,I don't know how you all feel about chat - discussion boards are cool, but I much prefer to _chat_ in real time.Unfortunately I'm not much of a fan of chatting through a..."
"i dont know if this was posted before but I just wanna know before i spin fire what is everyones worst injury...i know for me ive been spinning glowsticks since december 00' and I've wa..."
"I have read a couple books about dreaming and in both of them they said people who are more creative, are musicians, like fantsy and science fiction, and other creative imaginative thin..."
"I'm looking for a bit of help from you lovely people- I am trying to find some images to help me with some visualisation excersises I am doing at the moment. Basically there are six "fe..."
"Ok guys this is where i need you to put your thinking caps on as i am about out of ideas.The problem: What to do with the kids over the 6 weeks holidays that cost no money what so ever ..."
"First, the “dealer” might be a copcould some one explain this to me surely a cop would be better off posing as a regular rave head that buys to ensnare dealers rather than a dealer ..."
"Just in case anyone missed me...The last 6 months' travelling was FANTASTIC.Skully - your hoop was awesome and now belongs to a sweet little girl in Thailand after I decided I could alw..."
"I'm really bad at remembering peoples names and when it comes to film stars I'm even worse. As a kid I used to watch loads of black and white movies with my dad. All the way through the..."
"Ouch! Just got my very first ear infection, at 27!! Didn't realise how annoying they are Now being dizzy and hearing funny doesn't really bother me that much, but the lymph nodes just u..."
"i HATE where i live... im right at the top of what is considered "south florida" and there is NO ONE here who spins poi. im having SUCH trouble learning because i NEED someone who can t..."