Forums > Social Chat > Important... To All In Melbourne...Need a new tribe in Melbourne...

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arsnHow do you change this thing???
1,903 posts
Location: Behind the couch...

Ladies and Gentlemen... I ask you all who live in Melbourne, to open your poi's and hold up your fire sticks... for I need a new home... I am a brizzy boy who hasn't been twirling for a hell of a long time, but can do a hell of alot... with poi's I learn't to do a one handed butterfly befor I was able to do a normal one... go figure???... I helped open with Bec and Eike at Moonfest in Brisbane, and I am one of the first to have a pair of double glow poi's in Australia... maybe world... I've never seen or heard of anyone else having a pair... I can use stick and breath fire with ease... and I'm not afraid to try something new... So I ask you please... I don't really know anyone in Melborne... Let's twirl...

I can't hear you... I have a banana in my ear.

"You mean I'll have to use my brain?... but I use staff!!!" ~ ben-ja-men

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Greetz Arson!IF ya wanna meet a big troupe, meet us tonight at Edinborough Gardens doodski! they're the biggest active group I've seen in years.The biggest 4 days of firetwirling for me at least is also in 2 days - the most techniques and best skill i've ever seen, you should go - tickets are available from Cultureshock, Flinders st Melbourne!w00t!

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

You could try doing a search in the Meet Others section.And off the top of my head I think Bender the Offender and Fallout Boy come from Melbourne. Could be wrong though. It happened once before.


CantusSILVER Member
Tantamount to fatuity
15,967 posts
Location: Down the road, United Kingdom

Damn. Beaten to the post (sic).


arsnHow do you change this thing???
1,903 posts
Location: Behind the couch...

Thank Guys... bender... see you tonight... You'll tell who I am... I'll have double glow poi's...

I can't hear you... I have a banana in my ear.

"You mean I'll have to use my brain?... but I use staff!!!" ~ ben-ja-men

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

And yeah, we get a lot skillful newbies
I am one of the first to have a pair of double glow poi's in Australia... maybe world... I've never seen or heard of anyone else having a pair
many's the time when I've heard those words! alotta kids often make assertions about the world - ya just have to look around while ya make that claim.Others follow the modest path
Yeah, the fact that pics have to already be on the web is a pain, cos I wanted to put up a couple of my double headed glo-poi.. they look sooooooo good!!Any ideas of where I can stick them? Tom
Firetwirling tricks are like a box of chocolates... no wait they're not./puts down pipeFiretwirling tricks are like excuses for late homework: When you think that you have a really original, xcelent excuse, someone in Auckland has one that puts it to shame.Yes, whatever original tricks twirlers develop independently adds immensely to their art, but to then presume it to be unique to the world is an exercise in audacity.When most twirlers realise that they needn't impress, it's all relaxed...

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

arsnHow do you change this thing???
1,903 posts
Location: Behind the couch...

Bender... I'll be there with pants on...

I can't hear you... I have a banana in my ear.

"You mean I'll have to use my brain?... but I use staff!!!" ~ ben-ja-men

arsnHow do you change this thing???
1,903 posts
Location: Behind the couch...

That's cool... I wasn't trying to impress... I just haven't heard of anyone one else talking about them... to me the world is the little room under the stairs that I have been living in for eighteen years...

I can't hear you... I have a banana in my ear.

"You mean I'll have to use my brain?... but I use staff!!!" ~ ben-ja-men

phunkyold hand
877 posts
Location: Edmonton, AB

I made double glowpoi a long long time ago :PThat was so last year sheesh :PActually, I've made quad-glopoi. I never liked them because i like throwing the occasional wrap and with that many emptied out glowsticks up the chain it doesn't work too good. They were damm purdy tho, had a ravnlight inside one of them too.Here's my proof (of the double glopoi)![]Dhuong-Vu Truong==== []Dhunky ====[This message has been edited by phunky (edited 27 March 2002).]

arsnHow do you change this thing???
1,903 posts
Location: Behind the couch...

Thank Phunky, that looks mad... you still got them...?

I can't hear you... I have a banana in my ear.

"You mean I'll have to use my brain?... but I use staff!!!" ~ ben-ja-men

Bender_the_OffenderGOLD Member
still can't believe it's not butter
6,978 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia

Quad head poi?argh - like totally the most important point of the rat was that not about how many head poi you have, so long as you don't use CFC's cos they are real bad for the ozone layer n stuff. If we keep it up, England is gunna be as warm as Ibeefa.
Non-Https Image Link

Laugh Often, Smile Much, Post lolcats Always

falloutboySILVER Member
433 posts
Location: Melbourne, Australia, Earth, Milky Way, Universe

i enjoy long walks on the beach, and candle lit dinn.... hang on, what?-------------------------------"If you knew Suzie like I knew Suzie... you'd have scabies"

-As angels debate chance and fate-
i was riding through melbourne on a midget giraffe, things were peachy.

arsnHow do you change this thing???
1,903 posts
Location: Behind the couch...


I can't hear you... I have a banana in my ear.

"You mean I'll have to use my brain?... but I use staff!!!" ~ ben-ja-men

phunkyold hand
877 posts
Location: Edmonton, AB

Yep, i still use them (double head). Very expensive to bring out though, with that many photons batteries to replace.As for the quad-head poi i can easily put them together in a couple of minutes, with a couple of keyrings and such.------------------[]Dhuong-Vu Truong==== []Dhunky ====

195 posts

I have "sex-head" poi. Oh wait, sechs headed. oh, screw it.... wink

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