Forums > Social Chat > fire-resistant hair gel?

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2 posts
Location: Longmont, Colorado USA

Does anyone know of a hair gel that is fire-resistant? Or do you have some other suggestions about concoctions to coat ones hair with?Water is fine on a warm mid-summer night, but the rest of time its too cold here for that. (It snowed here 2 days ago.)I am currently using a cotton bandana, and braiding up my hair, but it would be nice to let my freak flag fly freely and yet un-flaming. Thanks.------------------Resist the temptation to conform to the current standards of non-conformity.

Resist the temptation to conform to the current standards of non-conformity.

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

I don't wet my ahir in winter either. I just pull it back, as much as it makes my ears cold. Being from New York I completely understand (it is snowing here now).I haven't come across any cosmetic that is fire resistant..since they are all of a chemical nature.Sorry. Though I am interested if anyone does have ideas. I get tired of braiding my hair for Rens all the time. ------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

melissaBRONZE Member
156 posts
Location: madagascar, USA

water is always a good choice compaired to burnt hair. as far as cosmetics go i would recommend kreylon body paint, its water based and it doesn't give you a yucky toxic mackup feel. it has a full spectrum of colors including irriedecent and blacklight. as far as cheap body glitter goes i found that the best combo is fine glitter confetti combined with water based lubricant (k-y sex lube type) the ingredients in the body glitter that you buy are vertually the same but with a dramatic difference in cost. who knows it may sound pretty strange but maybe the lube stuff would act as a good fire retardent gel for your hair. certainly better that hairspray!

118 posts
Location: Pittsburgh, PA/ USA

In general, I wouldn't recommend relying on a hair gel to keep one's hair from catching on fire. If anyone knows something I don't please feel free to share, though.What you're doing already sounds pretty good, and is in fact, pretty much the same thing that I do with my own waist length hair. If the style really bothers you, try getting a wilder do-rag. Mine's got the rising sun of Japan and a bit of nice Kamakaze imagery on it. It's my favorite!Sometimes I DON'T wet down my hair when it's particularly cold out... I just put on my do-rag, and drop my braid down the back of my shirt. This method does leave about 2 inches of hair exposed, but I figure, if I wrap my chains around my neck, I've got bigger problems anyway...

118 posts
Location: Pittsburgh, PA/ USA

Melissa:You're right! I just remembered. A friend of mine (Who has MUCH shorter hair... I'd use up an entire bottle!) puts KY in his (facial mostly) hair to keep from having accidents while he's doing blasts...


Location: Seattle, WA USA

Aloe Vera gel works really well.

Donia Love
Ignis Devoco Industrial Fire Circus

Where there is sorrow, I seek the flame.

148 posts
Location: Kansas City, MO USA

Once again, I had been giving this a thought just recently, and thought about a mixture of regular gel with **alot** of talcum powder. I havent tested it, but it was one thought I had.-PSM

One can only see what one observes, and one observes only things which are already in the mind.-Alphonse Bertillon

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Talcum powder is flammable, you can use it with baking powder and salt peter to make mini-bombs. Regular hair gel has chemicals that are flammable, once it dries on your hair it makes your hair into a cripsy wick. I am thinking crispy wick with flammable powder might not be such a great idea PSM.I like you and I don't want you to burn. smile(two of my friends are explosives experts in the military, it's how I know about at home pyrotechnics,btw).------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

Jeff Duncanmember
140 posts
Location: sidney, bc, canada

are all of you guys just retarded or something!?!just wear a hat!!!

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Prom wears a leather skin cap, I wear a scarf with braids and Apollo wears a do-rag type thing. That is for ren.The boys actually wear the same thing for all of our shows.I just style my hair up, wet and braided or knotted.And Jeff,we are not "retarded", we just want to try new things, and personally, I don't want to be trapped into wearing a hat all the time. Alot of us women have hair we like to show off. Yup, that's right, vanity points I know but we all have to have them, some of us in spades. So, Jeff what type of hat do you wear? I have seen videos where guys with baseball hats get tangled up and it isn't pretty, though I imagine that ski type caps would be fine.------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...[This message has been edited by Pele (edited 01 April 2001).]

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

148 posts
Location: Kansas City, MO USA

I personally, for my everyday use, use Suave aloe vera hair gel. It is not flammable at all. It is alchohol free, but probably wont work by itself. If you could find something to mix in there, it would be perfect. -PSMPS-I feel honored that Pele actually likes me. I think if she didn't, it would be kind of like being ex-communicated by the fire pope(ss) can I use popess? perhaps godess. Whatever, it would be bad.

One can only see what one observes, and one observes only things which are already in the mind.-Alphonse Bertillon

341 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Jeff,Your comment is offensive and your arrogance is really starting to piss me off. Can you do us all a favour and drop the attitude... please!

Endangered Sanitymember
164 posts
Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Ill second that.

52 posts
Location: Johannesburg, South Africa

Hey Jeff, how do you stop the tail of that dead thing you Canucks wear on your heads from catching alight ? I mean, twirling fire with a beaver on your head just seems really silly, dontcha think !?Hats ? Who the feck still wears hats !? Aloe Vera gel or similar plant extract (bulbinella, hottentots fig, etc) is the way to go (water based, Mother Natures cookbook, KEEP it moist). I can send seeds if you like, I grow the stuff as a fire barrier around the house...Aww, lets try and play nicely. It's still April Fools Day here (national holiday) so everyone just mellow out ... I'm sure we agree that tension is counter productive, yes ?I've never seen snow ... whats it like ?

Hasst du etwas zeit fuer mich?... Dan singe ich ein lied fuer dich ... -Bjork/Nena

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

Posted:'s fuckin' cold!!!! It's white until some dog goes all over it and then it turns lovely yellow. With car exhaust it becomes a lovely brownish color. It's wet and yet lovely as it flitters to the ground, it's just when all those delicate flittery ones starts adding up on the ground that it gets annoying. Can you tell I am a New Yorker who has been suffering from a record breaking year of snow accumulation since November???ARGH! Make it stop. I'll tell you what Bish...since you wanna see Jesse dance and I actually have agri-backround, you come here, experience snow and stuff and I will trade places with you for a couple weeks? grin*g*You mentioned seeds for a bunch of plants I have never heard of!!!! What is a hottentot?Breathin' easy though I agree with the others....------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

Jeff Duncanmember
140 posts
Location: sidney, bc, canada

ok sorry bout the comment if i offended anyone. (i really am) it was just obvious and nobody said anything about i dont know what your talking about.pele: if i wear a hat (i usially dont) its usially a bucket hat.

127 posts
Location: Yorktown, VA, USA

I'm suprised Jeff didn't tell NE1 to just cut their hair off lolMy hair's like an inch *maybe*, so i don't have to worry unless i smack myself straight on.------------------"Happiness is not a destination, but a method for life"- Burton Hills

The reason communism doesn't work is because people like to own stuff

341 posts
Location: Sydney, NSW, Australia

Jeff,It was your use of the term 'retarded' in a derogatory sense that I took exception to. It's not just political correctness either. It's about recognising that stupidity does not equal intellectual disability (and vice versa)You really need to remember that the internet has no tone. Your posts often come across as being arrogant, kind of like you consider yourself above all of us and our trivial concerns.Use a smily face here and there if your comments are meant to be tongue in cheek.and... thanks for the apology.Cheers,Finn smile

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

Well - I have a beeny which is wool (I think / hope) which I can thread my shoulderlength dreads through (yes the Beeny is a tube style one!) and that covers the majority of my hair...dreads dont burn so easily anyhow...the fluff on the other hand...well its something I can live without anyhow smile)Josh

AnonymousPLATINUM Member

PS - has anyone actually ever seen any decent fire performer seriously set their hair on fire?I've seen close calls (I've had my share actually) but I've never seen anyone seriously burn themselves...more just a bit of a misshapen do (and obligatory dented ego smile) ?Josh

1,015 posts
Location: Austin TX USA

I've set my hair on fire. Now, this is not to say that I'm a decent twirler, but I've done it. I was doing something really simple, I think, and just let the chains get away from me.Nothing serious happened--someone was standing by with a towel and put it out within a few seconds. I sufferred a slightly assymetric hairline and a very minor burn on my scalp. And, like Josh said, wounded ego.

Laugh while you can, monkey-boy

148 posts
Location: Kansas City, MO USA

Ok, it just came to me. Borrow a trick from the old skool punk rockers and just use Elmer's Glue. It may not be to great on the hair, but hair is just dead cells anyway. It's certainley fireproof, And it's a little difficult to wash out but at least you'll have hair to wash.-PSM

One can only see what one observes, and one observes only things which are already in the mind.-Alphonse Bertillon

PeleBRONZE Member
the henna lady
6,193 posts
Location: WNY, USA

PSM....have you used glue on your tools? We do. It doesn't prevent fire, cures in heat and turns into this really hard black ball that will remain behind even once the wick is burnt away.While the idea is good, hair will still catch on fire and if that happens it will most likely result in the person needing it ot be cut from their hair. Though your hair will hold a funky style for awhile, most certainly.I can see the merits of it but since I use elmers glue on all my wicks, there is no way I'm going to try it, not for all the Pantene in the world! smile------------------Pele Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir...

Higher, higher burning fire...making music like a choir
"Oooh look! A pub!" -exclaimed after recovering from a stupid fall
"And for the decadence of art, nothing beats a roaring fire." -TMK

148 posts
Location: Kansas City, MO USA

Dagnabbit, Im going to come up with something Pele

One can only see what one observes, and one observes only things which are already in the mind.-Alphonse Bertillon

AdeSILVER Member
Are we there yet?
1,897 posts
Location: australia

Josh, I've set my hair on fire - but it went out pretty well straight away (as the rest of my hair was wet). I was twirling with a staff, and doing a behind the back move, and the flame brushed a dry part of my hair.I also performed at a party on Saturday night, and wrapped my waist length dreads in a piece of black cotton material - like a bandana (thanks to whoever suggested it a while ago!) and this worked very well. I still had freedom of movement, but fewer safety concerns than free flowing hair. I think as a result of me feeling safer, I performed much better and the audience loved it.

148 posts
Location: Kansas City, MO USA

Ok, after some not so extensive testing( slathering various stuff on a paper towel with a high combustion temp. and holding in the flame of a gas stove for 30 sec.) I have discovered that Suave hai gel (the blus stuff) holds up ***extremely*** well. It bare singes, wet or dry. I certainlry would do a cranial wrap, but it should handle the occasional brush. Maybe later Ill do a better test involving hair and fuel, but It was pretty amazing to see it hold up.-PSM

One can only see what one observes, and one observes only things which are already in the mind.-Alphonse Bertillon

148 posts
Location: Kansas City, MO USA

I should add, they make another kind, with Aloe in it. Im guessing it would hold off a flame better, but thats just a guess.-PSM

One can only see what one observes, and one observes only things which are already in the mind.-Alphonse Bertillon

2 posts
Location: Longmont, Colorado USA

I like the idea of aloe vera hair gel to keep one's hair from catching fire. How con-veeeeeen-i-ent: for the occasional skin burn wound I could just rub the burn on my head for a quick aloe-vera fix. I also spoke with a fire dancing troupe last weekend who uses a mixture of olive oil and beeswax and/or some glitter and/or color - it gave a cool looking dry, formed look. They said also that dredlock wax is good for preventing hair ignition. Thanks for your help.Ken------------------Resist the temptation to conform to the current standards of non-conformity.

Resist the temptation to conform to the current standards of non-conformity.

30 posts
Location: Edinburgh, UK

I've been thinking that clay might work. It should dry pretty solid like gel but hopefully protect the hair as it wont burn. And as long as you dont put your head in a furnace it should wash out too.Either the stuff you get in facepacks or modelling clay should be ok

148 posts
Location: Kansas City, MO USA

Ok, clay would (will) work, but use real clay, from the art store or dig it yourself. Modeling clay is often petroleum based ( are most fuels), and alot of the clay in facials is actually made of peat as I recall, which is highly flammable when it dries. Some (alot) of facials may work, but are too expensive to use. Regular clay should run around $.25 US **per pound** If I were to do this I would use red clay for that tribal "ochre" type look, but I think I'll stick with my Suave hair gel.-PSM

One can only see what one observes, and one observes only things which are already in the mind.-Alphonse Bertillon

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